new maths, new science, old questions – Ecademy

Very few things in life are certain, we actually know very little. Most of what we think we know is actually based upon assumptions we make. I now believe it is possible to know things, but we have to be willing to challenge our own …

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new maths, new science, old questions – Ecademy

Philosophy of Science, Normativity, and Whig History « Ether Wave …

One of the things left behind by the historians of science who undertook the Great Escape from the philosophy of science was a claim to normative judgment.

See the original post here: 
Philosophy of Science, Normativity, and Whig History « Ether Wave …

Alexithymia Antithesis: Travel as a Political Act

I just started reading a book called Travel as a Political Act. The book is about traveling to broaden your horizons about other cultures and people so that the way we view life can be seen through the eyes of others and not just the …

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Alexithymia Antithesis: Travel as a Political Act