Autism – Monday Autism News Potpourri

Thumbs Up: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was signed on Friday as planned. Here’s print coverage from USA Today and (ironically non-captioned) video cover…

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Autism – Monday Autism News Potpourri

Autism – Science and the Dark Ages

Yesterday, in a meeting of autism researchers I attended, a researcher described people with Retts as having “no souls.” That Retts “takes the souls” of girls.

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Autism – Science and the Dark Ages

Council rallies for arts funding | NUVO Newsweekly – Arts …

July 22, 2009The City-County Council gave local arts organizations a needed shot in the arm Monday night by voting 21-5 in favor of reallocating $1 million to the Arts Council of Indianapolis so that the ACI could.

Here is the original post: 
Council rallies for arts funding | NUVO Newsweekly – Arts …