Science Vs Religion

Andrew asked:

In the frames of this article we are going to condemn science and the persons who work on this field, and the wrong statements made by the scientists. Then, we are going to point out the resemblance of art and science and their differences. It goes without saying that criticism is obvious for any science and, specially, for art. But not any critics can be accepted, it is very important to prove the facts and be ready to explain all the points. So, in the article we try to propose the elements of critics and the facts.

First of all, science mistakably regarded as religion and with time got the same status and the same rights to influence on people. On the day of its birth science supposed to develop and become a theory and, by the way, to get the necessary qualities in order to replace the religion and to be ready to give the answers on the questions on which religion could not answered. Using different methods and techniques in XXI century science had enough powers to stand on the place of religion, it turned to be the issue for faith and even for devotion. Such situation developed very quickly and the trust in science turned into unquestionable correctness.

Emile Durkheim was first who stated the science as the theory. Such theory had the opportunity to provide with enough time and proposed official religion but the base for it was science. The presence of great number of science permit the belief in the facts which were proposed by them and it was the reason for quick replacing of the religion on the second place even in the questions concerning the creation of the world. But such unquestionably facts were of double nature. First of all, science is grounded on the experience and it is certainly impossible to make any experiences on the creation of the world and the correct facts are still unknown. Secondly, science and religion are very different in structure and size, so it is wrong to stand these two things as science and religion into one row.

Your Self And Society – How To Establish Relationship With Yourself In Society

Abhishek Agarwal asked:

Sociologists and scientists studying the phenomenon of man living in society agree that man is essentially a social animal: he cannot live in isolation for long and needs to interact with others like himself in order to not only survive, but to develop. This development, when guided only by motives of self-interest and progress will have limited success whereas if man is guided by higher interests, such as the greater good of all, he is likely to experience better results for the world he lives in as well as himself. This is the ends towards which man should ideally strive, after having understood his relation to the society and its norms.

Not all these things always work out by themselves the way the individual hopes they will as other factors may be at play here, too, such as the way negativity affects our fragile human souls e.g. the emotional aspects in us humans are influenced greatly by negative feelings, doubts and remarks that dishonest persons may use for their gain and these get stored in the mind’s subliminal compartment only to revive again when we least need them to.

This kind of storing of negative thoughts and concepts in the subconscious mind is unhealthy for personal growth or public good as these send messages of ‘unworthiness’ to us, which we can do without when looking for answers to questions such as our role in society, our duty towards society and not simply our rights as a society member!

To overcome the negativity aspect of what our sub-conscious mind stores, it is necessary for the intelligent and aware individual to always keep a track of the bigger picture and not limit his view. One way of ensuring the negatives do not take over the positive views of the mind is to learn self-talk and subliminal learning practices so that success is never more than a trained, disciplined and progressive thought process away.

Another way to ban the mind from thinking or acting out negative thoughts is to eat right to think right; combine balanced, nutritive and light meals with regular physical exercise in fresh air and you have the fool-proof mantra for a healthier self-identity goal by ensuring all round development of self and thus, prove to be an asset to society – by being your best!!

Now, it may be troubling you how you can keep this constant. However, it is not that difficult to attain – these life-goals towards discovering your self-identity and improving it to become a better fit in society. All you have to do is just ensure you balance out each right with a reward i.e. achieve a goal and give yourself the satisfaction of having reached there with a little something to boost your morale. E.g. for sticking to a weight loss goal, buy yourself a new outfit, for keeping your temper in control, buy some soothing new music CD and you will find a new you in the same society, but made more beautiful as you react positively to it. Start today – and find the best You!

The Science and Entertainment Exchange: The X-Change Files …

The same basic problem afflicts every profession with specialized jargon: academics in the humanities and social sciences , doctors, lawyers, politicians, movie and television producers–even the manager-speak mocked by Dilbert and other …

Here is the original post:
The Science and Entertainment Exchange: The X-Change Files …

The Role of Ethics in Science | The Intersection | Discover Magazine

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Go here to read the rest: 
The Role of Ethics in Science | The Intersection | Discover Magazine

Climate Revolt: Major Science Group 'Startled' By Outpouring of …

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Excerpt from:
Climate Revolt: Major Science Group 'Startled' By Outpouring of …