Jack of Kent: The Rights Of Animals

For it appears to me that if (a) an animal does have rights and (b) humans have the means so as to allow the animal to enforce these rights, then humans should (say) intervene to stop animals being cruel to each other.

Here is the original post: 
Jack of Kent: The Rights Of Animals

Warner Bros Has Lost Krypton; Will Lose Superman in 2013 | /Film

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Warner Bros Has Lost Krypton; Will Lose Superman in 2013 | /Film

Protecting copyrights from internet piracy should not deprive …

JProtecting copyrights from internet piracy should not deprive users of due process rights: Via JURIST at University of Pittsburgh. Jernej Letnar Černič [Researcher, Institute for European, Constitutional, International Law and Law of …

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Protecting copyrights from internet piracy should not deprive …