Secret Societies – Obscure Organizations With a Special Purpose

John W. Martin asked:

Throughout history, people with similar ideas and interests have come together for specific purposes. However, sometimes their aims must be kept hidden from others. Thus, the group becomes a “secret society.” Secret societies have existed for thousands of years, and many are still around today. They are usually fraternal organizations. This means their members adopt artificial family ties upon initiation. It does not imply all secret societies are exclusive to males. In fact, there are several notable organizations which initiate female members, and even a few all-female societies.

Secret societies have often been treated with suspicion. This dates as far back as the ancient Greeks, who referred to these groups as those that met sub rosa or “under the rose.” To the Greeks, the rose was a symbol of silence, and meetings held beneath a hung rose were sworn to secrecy. Since then, such societies have been founded in virtually every culture. Many secret societies revolved around religious or military orders. Most notable, perhaps, are the societies of knights from medieval Europe. Among these, the Templars have developed a particularly important historical reputation that includes several accounts relating the knights to conspiracy theories. Although knights were not secretive about their affiliations, the procedures, practices, and beliefs of these orders were generally kept under cover and maintained a level of mystery.

The ultimate goal of most secret societies is to protect some sort of special, or even sacred, knowledge. Thus, membership into a secret society is generally restricted and requires a special initiation. In some cases, members cannot even admit their association with a secret society. In addition to initiation rites, secret societies often participate in other special rituals. Many practices are reported to be painful and dangerous to members. However, these claims are likely exaggerated to some extent.

Some secret societies have developed a well-known reputation. For example, the Skull and Bones society at Yale University has had many prominent members, including several U.S. presidents. Perhaps the most famous secret society in America is the Free Masons. Many of the founders of the United States, including George Washington and James Monroe, were members of this society. Additionally, at least fifteen American presidents were a part of the Free Masons. The Free Masons are said to have permeated every level of American society. There are even supposed Free Mason symbols on U.S. currency; specifically, the pyramid and the all-seeing eye.

Since, some secret societies have exercised significant power both financially and politically. Thus, they may be perceived as a threat by an established government. For example, most secret societies are banned in Poland. Additionally, some groups have been proven a danger to society. In the United States, the Ku Klux Klan is notorious for being a secret society whose public acts of prejudice and violence made them little more than a band of ****** criminals. However, the power they exercised prevented many members from ever receiving legal prosecution.

Secret societies continue to impact our world politically, financially, and religiously. They are the target of numerous theories on conspiracies and paranormal events. Thus, they frequently appear in both fiction and non-fiction media. In fact, several societies have claimed fame through references in popular culture. However, there are still those societies whose actions are not far-reaching and whose members simply seek social interaction. Either way, it seems secret societies are an inherent part of human society destined to continue their existence.

The Status of World of Warcraft Characters

Amelie Mag asked:

Reputation can be important, even in an online game. World of Warcraft characters know this firsthand. One of the unique aspects of the game World of Warcraft are the different factions scattered throughout the game. Depending on how friendly and helpful you can be, their attitude can change drastically toward you. Playing on a World of Warcraft account can seem difficult at times and diplomacy can seem like just one more chore. There are a few tricks that can be used to make sure everything goes smoothly, though. And, with a little work, there are some great benefits to be had.

A character in a World of Warcraft account is allied in one of two camps, the Horde or the Alliance. Within these groups, though, there are a large number of different factions, some of which may not necessarily like the character. Others may not like how friendly the character is with another faction. They may be hostile because of it or simply not helpful when those types of World of Warcraft characters ask for directions. Changing your reputation with those groups should be a prime goal, especially since may of these groups offer quests and other options when World of Warcraft characters make friends with them.

One of the most prized gifts that World of Warcraft characters can receive with when they have a good enough faction reputation are the faction’s steeds. Each race has a unique steed available to buy when they reach a certain level. Having a World of Warcraft account that has an epic mount, or even an epic flying mount, gives the player a good deal of bragging rights. In order to buy the mount that another race typically reserves for its own World of Warcraft characters, however, brings even more. It’s a physical symbol of the amount of work a player has put into their character, a badge of sorts.

Gaining that type of reputation for the characters on your World of Warcraft account may not be easy, though. Doing so requires reaching the highest level of reputation with a faction, an achievement that may require hours of work. Typically certain quests done by World of Warcraft characters affect certain faction’s reputation for good and for bad. What one faction likes, may not be so pleasing to another one. What is more, the actions done by World of Warcraft characters in one area, like killing a goblin in one town, may have an impact on creatures who sympathize with them. In can seem like a big mess.

That’s no reason to turn off your World of Warcraft account, though. It’s all part of a complex and multilayered game, part of the reason it is so fun in the first place. At any rate, none of this diplomacy is strictly required, the game universe is so vast, what your World of Warcraft account gives you is so large, that a small spat in one part of the world really isn’t that big of a deal.

Overall, reputation is a great part of the game, and something that makes a World of Warcraft account a thing worth having. Few games go to the level of detail that World of Warcraft does, and it shows.

Tips for a Successful Corporate Comedy Event

Mark Doyle asked:

The corporate comedy event can transform the usual dull banquet or holiday party a huge success. While it can be a challenge to entertain your corporate officers and staff with a comedy show it can also be a great way to break down barriers with in the organization.

The number one thing todo is to book  the right act for your event.  The comic should have  vast experience with corporate comedy events.  You don’t want some armature just learning comedy to do it while your reputation is at stake.  The comic should understand that this is not a comedy club gig and they need to keep it clean.  Again get a professional that is used to working clean.  Their pormo pack should include a list of past events and performances.  If this list is only comedy clubs with no other corporate or cruse ship apperances listed be careful.  A good agent or booker can help find you someone experienced in this specific type of venue.

Good sound and lights are a must. The funniest comic in the world will get nothing if they can not be heard. Good light is also important. A riser or stage will allow better sight lines for the audience is also helpful but not required.

If dinner is also part of the evening it is best to have dinner concluded prior to the start of the entertainment. The clearing of dishes and noise associated with it will detract form the show.

If you are having an awards presentation that should take place after the show. Many trophy stores on line offer a great selection and discount pricing, but make sure you give them enough time for production and shipping.

An officer of the company should say a few words prior to the entertainment. Welcome remarks and thanks to the organizer would be appropriate. This will help people get settled and focus on the stage.

The intro for the comic should start with some credits where the audience may have seen them. The intro should always climax with the acts name. Any inside information about the company or individuals in attendance can help make the event more fun. While many of the corporate comedy acts have built in bits for this a little input is helpful.

The comic will usually do 30 to 45 minutes. Remember if the audience has just had a large meal they will start to get sleepy if they have to sit much longer than that and you still want them awake if you have awards or speeches later.

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