Will the internet speciate? Will it fragment into incompatible subsets
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Will the internet fracture into separate systems?
Will the internet speciate? Will it fragment into incompatible subsets
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Will the internet fracture into separate systems?
You will note that there is no real news in the report. Apparently the only reason for running it is a need to keep fresh the memory that a fiscally conservative Republican had an affair. Maybe someone at the AP is jealous that a book …
Read the original here:
Transparent: AP Puts No-News Story about Sanford on National Wire …
David Perry envisions game previews that come with embedded game demos.
Excerpt from:
Gaikai could 'transform games journalism' | Game Development …
New face soloist, Gil Me just had two back to back performances, first on Music Bank and then on Music Core for her debut song ‘Love Cuts’ featuring Eun Ji Won. The response that she’s been getting seems pretty good, especially with the …
The rest is here:
Gil Me on Music Bank and Music Core – allkpop.com | sizzlin' k-pop …