Nutrition is grossly misunderstood by the masses in my opinion. Most people worldwide view nutrition as the study of diet, and they focus mainly on nutrients, vitamins, fat content, carb content, etc.. Without a doubt, these are very important factors to consider when one is health conscious. People are bombarded with books and articles about caloric intake, whether or not to combine carbs with protein, how much saturated fat is safe to consume, how much sugar to have, and so on….When one goes to the supermarket, one can see people buying “light” products, white meat, canned products, frozen products, sugar and egg substitutes, and reading labels left and right (This behavior is characteristic of the victims of post modern- ” industrial nutrition” brainwashing). Or you see people buying their fixes of sugar laden products, refined and manufactured foods filled with preservatives, colors and artificial ingredients, soda and other junk completely unaware or indifferent to the health risks derived from eating and drinking the junk in their supermarket carraige. Most modern day nutritionists address these people because they are the key groups of consumers. Too many nutritionists are paid to recommend garbage to the people, encouraging them to eat margarines, refined and manufactured products, foods with preservatives and artificial substitutes, sugar, wheat and meat.
Unfortunately the media treats eating whole natural foods, macrobiotics, ayurvedic diets and vegetarianism as an option for health food freaks, hippies and new agers. People who espouse these eating habits in the west are considered fringe. New agers, “hippies” and health food freaks,those very souls who the media has presented as fringe, however, are the ones that have discovered that nutrition interfaces with spirituality.
We are literally what we eat. This needs to be stressed more than RDA values and grams of fat. Everything that we put into our mouth becomes a part of us. When you eat something, you break it apart and assimilate it, absorbing all it has to offer. Aside from fueling us with energy, it literally becomes a part of our body, participating in our body’s functions. Meat is one of the poisons that people consume, allowing it to wreak havoc on the body.
When you eat meat, you are actually consuming rotting animal flesh. Does that make one a cannibal? Yes. Does this meat have an effect on us? Absolutely. A bad effect. Put aside the ethical issue for a moment, which is huge, and look at the physical implications.
At the very least, this animal flesh is full of antibiotics, hormones and other drugs, as well as traces of the questionable feed that many animals are given ( Mad Cow, for example). This meat also serves as a toxin that slows down and eventually blocks the chakras. These blocked chakras render us completely unable to connect with the source of life force energy. But aside from ingesting all of these poisons, meat in our diet also provides us with tons of adrenalin which we dont need.
Animals are sentient, feeling creatures. They reason, understand, feel and think. Just because the average person doesn’t understand them doesn’t mean that they don’t understand us. Studies on sheep, for example, show that sheep actually fall in love, and stay faithful, throughout their lives, to their mate. Animals are also known to grieve and mourn their losses. Animals instinctively know when they are being led to slaughter way before it happens.
Like any other innocent creature of God, they become afraid, anxious and sad when brutally treated. Approaching their slaughter, they know that they are going to be killed. This is evident not only in their behavior, but it is evident also in the amount of adrenalin which they produce in response to their horror and fear. This adrenalin literally saturates their flesh.
Think for a moment. When you buy fruit and vegetables, oil or beans, many producers proudly bear images of their harvest. We see photos and drawings of farms, trees and crops bearing their fruit on package labels, logos and containers. Check out a box of rice, or a bottle of oil. It is not uncommon to find an image of an olive tree, or a rice paddy on the package. Now look at your package of meat that you purchase from the butcher or supermarket. In an honest world, a proud producer would show on the label a picture of a screaming, terrified animal forcefully led to slaughter. That steak on the plate is a result of murder. The hamburger that a teenager buys is created from pain. That act of murder, that pain, is transferred to the person who eats the meat.
Consider the fact that the adrenalin production of the animal saturates their flesh. When people eat this, it literally becomes a part of them. This increased adrenalin surge accounts for an increase in behavioral dysfunction in society. This has turned people into angry, short tempered and savage beings plagued with bio-chemical behavioral disorders.
People rant and rave about increased violence in society and blame it on television, video & computer games, movies and the news. Okay. Yes, these are violence filled stimuli that bombard our lives daily. However, the capability of producing these media productions, and our ability to willingly “consume” them, all stem from the fact that we are a meat eating society.
Companies and individuals do not cringe when they produce violence filled games as long as they are adrenalin soaked individuals. Those are perfect employees for the industry. Journalists and producers put together violence filled news programs that we apathetically watch and zap around, even while eating. A perfect situation for the ratings. Children, swimming in adrenalin and toxins, do not wince, but they laugh and get hooked when they are “entertained” with violence filled games. These children are the perfect consumers for this type of industry. This vicious circle of industry and consumers is fed by society’s tolerance and need for violence, stemming from the toxicity and high adrenalin content of the diet…mainly from meat. Behavioral disorders have become commonplace, socially unacceptable behavior is not unusual. Anger and rage are part of everyday life.
Its all because of the meat. Meat eating has wreaked biochemical havoc on people. That is a major root of society’s problems. Look at how peaceful and serene vegetarians are statistically, lacking the behavioral disorders and anger that meat eaters display as a group.
Once you become a savage, savagery becomes the norm.