How to Store Patio Umbrellas

Rachel Dawson asked:

Patio umbrellas create a small oasis of shade during sunny months. But when the sun hides and nasty weather invades, what will you do with an 8-foot-long umbrella?

Leaving it outside in the weather is not a good idea. Even a weatherproofed umbrella will wear out more quickly when exposed year-round to sun, wind, rain, or snow. If you wish to preserve the appearance and usefulness of your purchase, follow these steps for storing yours at the end of the season.

1. Cleaning Patio Umbrellas

End-of-season cleaning will be easier if you perform maintenance cleaning throughout the months you use your umbrella. Instead of allowing stains to set it, clean spills immediately. Wipe away dirt as soon as you notice it accumulating. Keeping up with cleaning will make your job easier when you prepare the umbrella for storage.

To clean your umbrella for storage, first hose it down. Next, use a rag and soapy water to remove all soils. Hose it down again to remove the soap. Allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step. Wipe all metal parts dry. Ensure that any wood parts have also dried completely. Otherwise, the dampness could foster mildew.

2. Folding and Covering Patio Umbrellas

When the umbrella has dried fully, fold it up. Check that parts are locked into place. Your umbrella may have come with fabric ties to hold the canopy in place during storage. If not, you could use lengths of rope or string to secure the canopy. Overlap one fold of the canopy over the next, all the way around; fasten the ties to hold the folds in place.

To protect it from dust and insects while in storage, you may cover your umbrella with a number of different materials. Some stores sell polyester or vinyl covers designed specifically for patio umbrellas. However, you could easily use a garbage bag, old bed sheet, blanket, or other item you already own. Cover or wrap the umbrella.

3. Storing Patio Umbrellas

After cleaning, folding, and covering it, place the umbrella in a sheltered area, such as a garage or shed. If you don’t have a garage or shed, store it in the best place to keep it out of the elements. Perhaps you could store it in your attic, the corner of your laundry room, or in the back of a coat closet. A location away from moisture and sunlight should preserve the umbrella longer.

You will want to avoid storing it on a shelf. Laying patio umbrellas down can lead to warping of the frame. Be sure to store yours upright to avoid this possibility. You could prop it against a wall, hang it from the ceiling, stick it in a can, or move your weighted base inside during the winter.

If you have invested in an umbrella, make it last. Keep it clean and store it dry whenever you’re not using it. Then it will be ready to use when the sun comes out again.

Umbrellas Are Protecting The World

Michael J asked:

A good beach umbrella not only provides protection from the sun and wind but also gives brisk shade with a feeling of coolness. If you are going to shop for one of this type, then there are various features that you should take into consideration before buying an umbrella for any purpose.

The first thing one should judge about an umbrella is regarding the size and weight of the umbrella. They should be light in mass and bulky in dimension. It must fit into the size of the car properly.Also it should be light enough to enable you to carry it from the place of parking of the car to the beach. The next factor is the main one, shelter from the sun. The Sun Protection Factor or SPF rates beach umbrellas as like as the sunscreen products are done. Again these types of umbrellas are basically of two categories. They are the sun screening and the sun blocking ones. There are different ratings specified for these two types. While the sun screening categories of umbrellas are rated in between 35-50 SPF the other category which is called the sun blocking one is rated usually at 100 or even more.

After that comes the size factor. Size of umbrellas do really matter a lot and specially is

directly related to the age and size of the person who would be using the umbrella. A majority of the umbrellas that are meant to be used in the beaches are normally of 6 feet diameter wise. Well they range usually to 9 feet. But then it is observed that these 9 feet ones are a little bit awkward to handle.

Other than that there are also many additional features associated with some umbrellas. They can be tilted and vented.  The materials, which make an umbrella, are the polyester and the steel or fiberglass. Canopy and the pole are the main parts of the umbrella. Polyester helps to build the canopy part and the steel builds up the pole part. Besides this a sand anchor and an umbrella hook will turn out to be more beneficial to you.