Open Education and Accessibility «

Christopher Phillips has a new post on open education and accessibility. The post links to some accessibility documents created at Open Education 2009. From the post: Through the conference website I was able to find a couple of good …

The rest is here:
Open Education and Accessibility «

Some Came Running: When good things happen to good film critics

Two reasons I’ve been a little slow to weigh in on the announcement that ABC Media Productions is deep-sixing the Ben Lyons/Ben Mankiewicz combo for the syndicated At The Movies series: one, I’m on vacation, fer chrissakes, and two, I..

Originally posted here:
Some Came Running: When good things happen to good film critics

Life of Brian: UP in 3D equals enjoyable stereographic entertainment

Kaye, Lorraine, and I went to see UP today in digital 3D and it was a wonderful experience. There were no nasty through-the-window effects and the stereoscopic experience was very very low key and nicely done

Read more from the original source: 
Life of Brian: UP in 3D equals enjoyable stereographic entertainment

'The Hangover' Is the Biggest R-Rated Comedy Ever – Cinematical

If you saw The Hangover this weekend, congratulate yourself! Not only did you finally learn why everyone in America has been laughing when they think …

Read the original: 
'The Hangover' Is the Biggest R-Rated Comedy Ever – Cinematical