The Washington Toast
Articles the Washington Post Wouldn’t Print
Washington DC – December 11, 2007
New Comedy and Satire Book Really Sticks it to The Washington Post!
The Washington Toast is the funniest thing to come out of Washington Since Congress.
The Washington Toast, a humor and political satire book, makes its official debut today on December 11, 2007. If you haven’t been clued in to what the Toast does, it is a dead-on, straight faced parody of American newspapers. It is beautifully crude and sophomoric in a manner Mad magazine no longer aspires to, and for readers looking for some deathly funny satire in this politically-correct, can’t-we-all-just-get-along, sissified age, it is a lighthouse in a stormy sea.
For those of us who have long desired a good dose of wry and winsome humor The Washington Toast, is a treasure trove of biting satire and clever use of modern language. Somehow the writers manage to tickle our funny bones as they educate and entertain us with their insight and insider’s understanding of the madness we know as politics. In this provocative web site, the writers most often approach the subject at hand via parody. They are almost monotonously brilliant, nearly uniformly informative, and best of all, universally irreverent. This is one web site which might force you to bring your lap top to the rest room folks, for it will have you enjoying life’s most personal moments with tears of laughter as the unavoidable net result.
The editors and writers at the Washington Toast, will routinely attack the most sacred shibboleths and taboos of society, ranging from oil derricks erected on the White House lawn to a sagging Washington monument. From sexism to congressional hearings on defective home surgery kits, and from politics to the dangers of traveling to Atlantic City on a steeply discounted tourist bus. To be sure, the humor that results is by its very nature often tasteless and even a little but crude, so if you have a delicate stomach or a fragile disposition this collection of satiric pieces may not be something you would enjoy. But those of us with a taste for such bawdy fare will read the pieces again and again, until our eye’s bleed and our lap tops begin to smoke. All in all, it’s nice to have all this stuff online and available for instant replay. Enjoy!
The Washington Toast is available at
Joey Thomas, the editor and founder of the Washington Toast, works as a television news producer in the Washington DC market. The contributing writers, some of whom wish to remain anonymous, work as writers for various news rags and in public relations in Washington DC.
Contact – Joey Thomas