Anime is the most popular form of animation created by the Japanese. Its popularity is spread throughout the whole world. At present, thousands of people still love to watch anime. There is a wide genre of anime – love, splice of life, fantasy, comedy, drama and horror. Anime is just like any TV show or movie. The only difference is the use of animation instead of real life characters.
People nowadays find it hard to catch up to every episode of their favorite anime shows because of their rough schedule. Students might not have time to watch their favorite anime because they have to study for exams or do some projects. People at work might not be able to watch their favorite anime because of their schedule at work or because of overtime. If you are also experiencing this kind of problem, then you might want to thank the Internet.
The Internet gives us the ability to watch anime anytime. This can be done in two ways: video streaming and file downloading.
You can stream videos online form various websites. There are many websites, such as and that you can visit to watch anime episodes. There are also other websites that allows you to stream videos. Simply search these websites on search engines such as and
Now, if you want anime download, you have several methods that you can use to get downloads. But before that, be aware that downloading files from the Internet may not be safe. That’s because malware can attach itself from the files that you are downloading and thus, infect your computer. If you don’t mind, then you can download without worries. But you might want to step back if you do not want to harm your computer.
The first method is to simply find a website that allows a direct download of the files. Some websites offer free downloads, but most websites need a subscription fee. Furthermore, you have to keep your computer on until the download finishes, which could be a disadvantage.
Use a BitTorrent Client. A BitTorrent Client is an application that allows you to share downloads with other users. The more users that download/seed the same file, the faster the download. After installing a BitTorrent Client, look for a torrent file. Websites such as offers thousands of torrent files for your use. Its advantage over direct download is that you can stop the download and continue the download anytime. The best part of using BitTorrent Clients is that it is for free.
Find and use FTP websites that offer anime downloads. FTP websites allow you to download many files such as video files in a faster and a more secured way. But FTP websites usually ask for a subscription fee. But since it is a more secured method of downloading, you can worry less for malware such as viruses and Trojans that infects your computer.
Anime is such a great form of animation that everyone would surely like. Also, as a fan of anime, you should know that it’s not only the animation that’s great, the storyline is the one that keeps you watching anime.