toronto: WANTED: Old Computers And Computer Parts

If you have any old computers or computer parts, please leave a comment or send me an LJ message. I’ll have her give any responses a once-over to determine what she can actually use, then I’ll be in touch to set up meetings if she gives …

Original post:
toronto: WANTED: Old Computers And Computer Parts

theconr: Went out shopping for some new pants to

Went out shopping for some new pants to go with the new boots. I also rediscovered that the world of clothes retail is an unkind one when you are short and apparently have a butt larger than a size 1. Long riding day

More here: 
theconr: Went out shopping for some new pants to

vancouver: Internet cafes + printing

However, printing is expensive (20 cents a sheet, I think), and it won’t be a nice, private atmosphere where you can just do your work in peace. There is a public library on Macdonald between Broadway and 8th–I don’t know what their …

Read the original:
vancouver: Internet cafes + printing