Wages Of Present World Recession

Mahesh M. Oza asked:








BOOM had reached its peak creating multi-dimensional imbalances in human-life all over the World. In Boom every-person and every-country becomes selfish. In said situation, people with Orthodox, Conservative and Hypocrite mentality suffer the most. Indian people are having the said mentality. Present Boom has made the entire World SHABBY. Hypocrisy has spread all over the World. In present world-Recession, adoption of the Movement of Social-Renaissance is Demand-of-the-Time. If this Demand-of-the-time is not realized and obeyed immediately, half of Human-life is bound to be destroyed in the present Recession. India is in the forefront of this situation. India is required to take very concrete action of Social-Renaissance. India, a country of more than one-hundred-crores population on comparatively insufficient land with ages-old Orthodox, Conservative & Hypocrite mentality  founded on Myths has to adopt the Movement of Social-Renaissance in very sharp-manner. Otherwise, wages of present world-Recession is going to be alarming in India. Who-so-ever Rulers of India may be, have to take this Message sharply in the interest of Survival. If they don’t, they themselves would die a very bad Death in the ANARCHY which is just waiting behind the Curtain.


Present RECESSION is corollary of the said BOOM. Present Recession is an ALARM which is not sounding. Therefore, it has got to be visualized, understood and obeyed instantly.        Ages-old MYTHS have deadened visualizing, understanding and obeying capacity of the people and hence this global DOOR-BELL is necessary. I  HUMBLY REQUEST ALL THINKERS, SOCIAL-SCIENTISTS, PHILANTHROPISTS AND BENEVOLENT-DICTATORS TO RING THIS GLOBAL DOOR-BELL ON DEAF EARS OF THE PEOPLE AND THEIR RULERS ALL OVER THE WORLD. They are not really Deaf. They need to be awakened through their own DOOR-BELL. If once awakened, they will not sleep-again in the same-manner. The said awakening will become SOCIAL-UPHEAVAL. Social-Upheaval is the inner-nerve of Survival. Social-Upheaval kindled through the Movement of Social-Renaissance would become Self-guided-missile for SOCIAL-CHANGE.  




World-wide Recession has already caused a severe-blow and shacked foundations of false Beliefs and MYTHS. This is the right-time to hit at the hot Iron of False Beliefs and MYTHS by starting the Movement of Social-Renaissance. There are three-Tiers as under for Journey from BOOM to SOCIAL-CHANGE. All these three-Tiers are explained above in detail.

                 1. Recession

                 2. Social-Renaissance

                 3. Social-Upheaval

First-Tier of Recession has happened in natural-course. Second-tier of Social-Renaissance has to happen by Understanding and Third-Tier of Social-Upheaval would happen in its own Way.  As a result of this, there would be Social-Change of having New-Man and New-Age. Same old-Man and same old-Age would become NEW. It is   suggested that this Article should be read in conjunction with my under-mentioned FOUR foregone ARTICLES in this Directory. ALL THESE FIVE-ARTICLES SHOW THE WAY-OUT FROM THE STRONG-HOLD OF MYTHOLOGICAL-AGE.    

                  1. Social-Dynamics of Happy-Married-Life

                  2. Social -Renaissance of the World

                  3. Emergency of Social-Renaissance in India

                  4. What is Social-Dynamics?

Really speaking, Recession is the natural-corollary of Boom.  Just like Birth and Death, Day and Night, Male and Female, Boom and Recession are in Turn. Present Economic-Recession has happened to whitewash all anomalies of the Boom. 


Just two-hundred years ago, human-beings with clasped-hands were feeling helpless against the situation which was considered God-given. In the name of MYTHS in their minds, they were involved in Fighting, Hiding, Defeating, Killing, Plundering, Invading, etc,. Myths dwell in Minds. Myths have no other place to dwell. Myths are simply Imaginations created in Minds.  By the passage of time, MYTHS were painted and sculptured. As there was no imagination of PHOTOGRAPHY at that Time, Paintings and sculptures were considered TRUTHS. Then Mythological-stories were also built-up. By the passage of Time some people started to survive on Sale of MYTHS. Thereby, sizable Parasite-population has happened to become part of our Population. Thus, our PAST has gifted us PARASITES and MYTHS.   


Most of the Wars were Invasions initially. Invasion if retaliated is termed as War. Invader’s Terror is not Terrorism. Their objective is not to cause Terror only. Their objective is to Conquer.  They are not Terrorists. Recent Terrorists are the tools of some Power, who wants to weaken some Existing-Power by attacking in dark. All present Terrorists are of Muslim Community. Apparently, power behind them is supposed to be Muslim Financial Monarchs. This is well-known all over the World. To cause Terror is not a cultured way. Terror can simply frighten. Terror cannot get everlasting support from any sector of Human-life. Terrorists have EXISTENCE without FUTURE. Parasites are cannon-fodder for Terrorists. They are sold out to them for becoming Human-Bombs. They are ready to die by a Bomb-blast on their body.   


Terrorists are targeting to attack the places where Human-beings are accumulated. This is possible much more than what is actually happening. In that, there also exists restraint on their part, because they also fear the wrath which would finish them. To execute Bomb-blast anywhere is quite possible because excess in public places is easily possible. Blast by remote makes the culprit undetectable. Present-Terror has no social-recognition. What Gain, Fame or Peace La-Den would get through Terrorism? How long he is going to live? Does he know his tomorrow? His regime of Terror is founded on MYTHS. He is also a human-being. He has gone on a wrong-track somehow from where return is not possible even if he wants, and therefore he has to remain where he is and go on doing what he is doing. There are many such similar cases. They are Outlaws. They have to live in the under-world. They are hippies of the under-world. They have once happened to show their hips to the world by outlawing. Now they cannot show their face to the world. Hippies of the upper-world have also happened to show their hips to the world. But, they have not outlawed. Hence, they are able to show their face to the world.     


PRESENT RECESSION IS AN EYE-OPENER. Financial Monarchs who were financing the Terrorists are also affected by the world-Recession. They seem to have realized that Terrorism is not easily affordable by them. This is the right-time for the entire World to start the Movement of Social-Renaissance. Not only India, but the entire World is required to do white-washing of the long-lasted Mythological-Age. Real roots of the present-Recession are in the MYTHS. Over-population, which is a burning-problem of India, is the result of MYTH. All countries of the World have to end Mythological-Age by starting the Movement of Social-Renaissance. Who does it best and earliest will be on the Top.        




Perhaps I am the first person to say clearly that there is no such GOD who is supposed to give everything what is demanded and prayed by everybody. There is no sense behind this Belief. It is self-deception. Such GOD is a MYTH. When there is Headache, medicine is resorted to, but God is not resorted to. In the heart-of-heart, nobody has any faith in God. But, the idea of God is cunningly retained as Hiding-place and Rescue-hub. In the name of God, criminality is nurtured. Looking from all angles, Demand-of-the-Time is, to earnestly get-rid of MYTHS, for which it is HIGH-TIME now.




I am not interested in any type of PSEUDO recognition of the subject in my FIVE ARTICLES. All steps of JOURNEY TOWARDS SOCIAL-CHANGE are discussed thread-bear by me in these ARTICLES. Roots of this presentation of mine are deep inside my long-past. There is no whim behind this presentation. I am absolutely ready for a serious Dialogue with any authoritative person who has read and understood these ARTICLES. After reading my CONCLUSION, I am sure that the right person would read these Articles again.




FEED-BACKS and QUESTIONS from Thinkers and Social-Scientists are very much welcomed. Questions on the subject would be answered.


Swami Satyabhakt

(Mahesh M. Oza)

Date: 12-3-2009













Your Home Appraisal –what’s the Big Deal?

Kristin Abouelata – Home Loans asked:

Think about why this is true. A good appraisal is the best reassurance that the lender won’t lose its pants on the transaction. If the borrower defaults, the lender still has a marketable property that can be sold to recoup its losses. All of which makes it understandable why lenders are so picky about appraisals. And with recent changes in the industry, the focus by lenders to obtain good appraisals is at the forefront.

Appraisals typically cost anywhere from $350 to $400. However, if the house is gigantic, multi-unit or in the boondocks, it could run more. The cost varies on property type, location and square footage.

The most common type of appraisal is the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR). It consists of interior and exterior photos and sometimes (depending on the age of the home), a complete cost breakdown of the property and comps (comparison sales of homes nearby that meet the proper criteria). These comps help determine the “market” approach. Each comp sale is adjusted in value when stacked against the home being evaluated (the one you’re buying or refinancing). Usually you will see a comp below the value of your home, in line with the value of your home, and a third above the value of your home. Kind of like the three bears. But if the valuation gets tricky, you can see fourth, fifth and sixth comps. The net value of the comps is estimated based upon the approaches used to come up with the appraised value of your property (meaning the appraiser performs some type of calculation that’s kind of like an average, but not necessarily a true average. Confused yet?)

URARs also, typically but not always, reflect a cost approach, which determines what the value would be based upon what is estimated it would cost to rebuild the home, less depreciation. The final estimated value of the home is then determined by using a melding of the market approach described above and cost approach (if applicable).

Lori Babb, Staff Appraiser for Mortgage Investors Group of Knoxville, TN, further explains comparables. “The best comparables are those similar in size, style (ranch, basement rancher, 2 story, etc.), age, and are close in proximity to the dwelling being appraised,” she explains. “Unique properties will typically require more adjustments than the average properties.”

So, say you’re Bill Gates and want to secure a mortgage on a $200,000 home (I know, it’s ridiculous, but I’m trying to make a point). He’s got the best credit profile a lender could imagine, yet the house appraises for $175,000. Deal or no deal? You better believe it’s no deal. The sales price will have to be lowered, or Mr. Gates will just have to pay cash for his new home (you think he can afford it?). The point is, your average Joe won’t go ahead with the deal without a price adjustment, and he will be obligated to pay for the appraisal regardless of the outcome of value.

Dan Tyrell, principal of Knoxville area’s Tyrell Appraisal Service, Inc., has this comment about value, “When determining value of a single family house, beauty is more than ‘skin deep’. Fresh paint, new carpet, new appliances, and nice landscaping all enhance the marketability of a house. Not so obvious items also impact the appraised value of a house. For instance older houses that have replaced plumbing/electrical systems, updated HVAC systems, newer roofs, replacement windows, etc. lower the effective age of the property which in turn increases the appraised value.”

There are other types of appraisals that are not as common, like an Automated Valuation Model (or AVM). In this case, different factors combine to ensure the value of the home (it’s worth $200K, but your loan amount is only $100K) and your unbelievable credit worthiness (800 credit score!), allowing you to skip purchasing a typical appraisal. You may also only be required to get a “drive by” appraisal, where the appraiser just inspects the exterior of the subject for size, looks at the lot and makes you wonder who that person standing by your mailbox is.

Most lenders control what appraiser is used to determine the value of your home. After all, it’s their money on the line. The appraisal is such an important factor to the mortgage transaction – make sure you’re satisfied with the results. Your lender will make sure it is satisfied!