What a lovely combination of block printing and embroidery. The image and the stitching work really well together in this ‘folklore’ piece
Here is the original:
feeling stitchy: Embroidery and block printing
What a lovely combination of block printing and embroidery. The image and the stitching work really well together in this ‘folklore’ piece
Here is the original:
feeling stitchy: Embroidery and block printing
We also got a lot of great shopping done so I came home VERY pleased. And most importantly – relaxed
See the original post:
Love Laughter and Shopping | 867-5309
Two samples from a great Flickr set of science fiction and fantasy paperback covers. Both these titles were first published in 1976 and unlike many Flickr postings, this set gives credit to the cover artists where possible. …
Here is the original:
Science fiction and fantasy covers
Grateful Dead – 7/30/88 Laguna Seca Recreation Area, Salinas, California [copyright Jay Blakesberg]
The rest is here:
Grateful Dead – 7/30/88 Laguna Seca Recreation Area, Salinas …
The wild zoo of animals I have had as pets.
View original here:
The wild zoo of animals I have had as pets
Right now, a college education costs thousands of dollars, meaning many people can’t afford one. But social media is making the cost of school almost nothing.
More here:
In the Future, the Cost of Education will be Zero
Patrick Sébastien Coulombe’s Guitare à crayon project allows the user to create visual art and music with one instrument. The custom USB device makes use of Pure Data to generate sound and Gimp software handles the visual element
See the original post here:
Make: Online : Tablet guitar creates art and music
The William Penn Foundation has awarded PAFA a grant in the amount of $440000.
See more here:
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) Receives Major 0000 …