The Health Care Blog: Tale of Two Health Crises

I was lucky: I had good health insurance, access to top doctors, friends and family with the wherewithal to help. I also had a good education that helped me navigate the health and insurance systems and also remain employed. …

Original post: 
The Health Care Blog: Tale of Two Health Crises

Abused and neglected: Sorry tales of stray animals | Jakarta …

source : The Jakarta Post, Maria Kegel , Contributor , Jakarta | Tue, 08/11/2009 10:09 AM | Features Friends forever: Karin Franken (left) and Femke Den Haas take some time out with a few of the rescued pooches at the JAAN office in …

Originally posted here:
Abused and neglected: Sorry tales of stray animals | Jakarta …

Choosing Women's Wholesale Clothing This Summer | Fashion Week

Wholesale clothing is crucial part of the UK garment industry, providing retailers (both on and offline) with the wares they need order to make a profit and pay.

Read the original here: 
Choosing Women's Wholesale Clothing This Summer | Fashion Week