Make Your Mark with Your Own Career Brand

Integrity Career Transitions asked:

When the going gets tough, the tough get…creative. With over 11 million people in the country now out of work and the unemployment rate up to over 9%, competition in the job market is getting hotter than ever.

Gone are the days when waiting for job advertisements to come up or visiting your local employment agency were enough. Jobseekers these days are having to be proactive in their campaign, and more than ever they are having to make sure that they stand out from the competition – or eliminate it altogether.

So, what is the answer? Does a guy or a gal have to don a clown costume or run amok with a pitchfork to get noticed these days? In short, no. There is an easier, and a more legal way, and it is called branding.

Branding is a marketing term which is all about deliberately and consciously creating an image that ‘customers’ can form an emotional attachment to. It is what gives them that warm, fuzzy feeling when they think about a particular product or service or company, and when it comes to the moment of choice, it is what ‘pre-sells’ one commodity over another. In the same way that BMW conjures up images of sleek style and remarkable performance, branding makes your name synonymous with the job that you want and the skills and qualities that a prospective employer needs.

Make no mistake, you have a brand image already, whether you realize it or not – it just might not be one that you are comfortable with. Put yourself in a prospective employer’s shoes – but do it honestly. What would you think of you? Do you see a guy who always does a good job and does it on time, or someone with a ‘can’t do’ attitude who is lacking in motivation? If it is the latter, then maybe now is the time to re-invent yourself.

Honest self-analysis is one of the keys to successful personal branding, and you can make a start on this by taking a good, hard look at your strengths and weaknesses. List your skills, qualifications and experience. Hone in on your positive personality traits. Consider the areas where there may be weaknesses, things that you can address and improve upon. Keep an image in the back of your mind of the person that you want a prospective employer to see when you walk in through the door, and make yourself that person.

Branding is not about eliminating the fun things, the quirkiness, from your personality. It is about recognizing and capitalizing on your marketable qualities, and about growing those qualities to make you even more desirable within the job market. It is about making a personal promise to a potential employer that will make him feel reassured and confident.

When you have a clearer idea of what it is that you want to project to the outside world, verbalize it. Create your own branding statement – a short, succinct statement that sums up what you are best at and what your unique promise of value to an employer is. This is not merely a job title, but a statement that sums up your skills, your abilities and your uniqueness.

Once you have done this, put your branding statement absolutely everywhere – on your business cards, website, blog, Facebook account and anywhere else you can think of. Make your brand part of every offline and online interaction that you have. Research the market and the industry you want to be in, identify potential employers and network your way into the job you want. With a strong brand that not only promises, but delivers, your reputation will precede you and open the doors to that inner sanctum, the ‘hidden’ market.

Created your brand already? What is your promise of value to a potential employer or your killer branding statement?

Effective Internet Marketing Tool Can Be Used By The Business!

RAJ KUMAR asked:

Internet marketing is quickly growing in popularity. This is because people are beginning to realize the true potential of the internet for business. Competition is becoming stiffer by the moment. Because of this you need some sort of edge. People make use of internet marketing tools in order to get that edge. They make use of internet marketing tools in order to make sure that they remain on top of the competition. Different internet marketing tools are in use and yet it can be observed that only a few are actually quite effective. So what does make an effective internet marketing tool?

1) Direction – An internet marketing tool should be able to pursue a certain goal. This means that an effective marketing tool needs to be targeted towards a certain direction in order to be truly effective. Let\’s take advertisements, for more details visit to for example. The goal of an advertisement is to get people to do something. Now, the goal of this internet marketing tool should be tied to your goal as a company. Whatever the advertisement is trying to get people to do must bring the company closer to its goals. The direction that the tool has must be united with the goals of the company.

2) Understandability – Potential customers must be able to grasp the message that an internet marketing tool is trying to convey. Although what the company is trying to convey can be hidden subtly within the internet marketing tool, it must be quite clear to the average observer. Some sites make use of articles as internet marketing tools. These articles may contain useful information regarding whatever topic that the person chooses but it should also contain subtle promotions of the product that the site is trying to sell. This might not be a blatant sales pitch, but the reader understands that the author also wants to convey the superiority of a certain product.

3) Accessibility – A good internet marketing tool should be located where it can be easily accessed by people. No matter how good an advertisement is, if no one can see it, for more details visit to then it is useless. It should be known that people are the target of internet marketing tools and that these people can have various interests. Thus, a company can choose to place its internet marketing tool where it receives the most attention by all people, or it can place the tool where it can attract the attention of the target market.

4) Adaptability – An effective internet marketing tool should be adaptable to the various changes in life. It should take advantage of the various opportunities that can be found everywhere in business. It should be able to change like a chameleon and look natural in every new surroundings. Adaptability will ensure that the internet marketing tool will remain effective for a long time to come.

As you have seen there are different factors that make an effective internet marketing tool. These factors, when combined can make sure that the business would remain at the top of the game. An effective internet marketing tool can be used by the business to reach it goals and capture its target market.

That\’s not all, though. An effective internet marketing tool will ensure not only the success, but the survival of a company even after the tool is gone. When you cannot get a company\’s name out of your mind that\’s when an internet marketing tool would be called effective.

Personal Career Development Plan: Essential for Success

Larry Rivera asked:

A personal career development plan enables you to keep track of progress in your own career. It is a reliable way to analyze your motivations, aspirations, and achievements. Several career-oriented individuals create a career development plan not just to accomplish certain goals, such as a promotion or raise in the job, but also for further career advancement. Hence, it should be given much focus.

Essentials In Career Development Plan

Creating your career development plan must be done continuously, instead of focusing on specific work objectives. That way, you can easily keep track of whatever improvements you have or where there is need for one. It is not just confined to career-related documents but may also include materials that you have collected over time that reflect your motivation and aspirations when it comes to your career.

Below are few things you can do to back up your career development plan:

Update your resume. – Your resume is a crucial reflection of your career path. Therefore, if you have new or existing skills, achievements in previous employment, or personal achievements, make sure to include it in your CV.

List all your job descriptions. – This is essential to your career planning. By evaluating and analyzing your performance from previous jobs, you will be able to detect whether there are improvements or recognize which areas you need improve on. If you can, gather evidence of any achievements you have for they might come handy during job interviews.

Gather job advertisements. – This tip is helpful even to those employed individuals. This will enable you to identify whether there are any other existing jobs that are more suitable for your qualifications and that offer self-fulfillment.

Create A Personal Vision

Some people constantly change careers not because of compensation or competition, but more often because they are not personally satisfied with their careers. Therefore, when devising your own career plan, you have to create your own personal vision.

Your career plan or objectives can be either long or short term. Hence, before you move on with your career planning, you have to determine yours first. There are a lot to consider when planning your career path, however personal considerations should be on top of the list.

What are the personal barriers that impede your progress? Are you doing this for personal satisfaction and achievement, or is this what my family desires for me? As long as you have considered factors that not only involve the people around you but also yourself, then you can remain motivated in achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

Personal Career Planning Steps

1.If you are contemplating on multiple careers, try narrowing them down so you can focus on the career most suitable for you.

2.Research about your prospect career. When you have more information and knowledge about your chosen career, you will also recognize the skills needed in order to succeed in that career.

3.If you are looking to make a transition from one career to another, identify the necessary qualifications.

4.Once you have determined the qualifications needed for your new career, compare it with your current career profile. Evaluate what skills or knowledge you need to acquire in order to match the job search. If it requires a lot of work, then you might need to reconsider whether changing careers should be an option. If you are close to the qualification, then you can move on.

For long-term career planning, you need to be more precise and specific with your guidelines. After all, you will have to be the one dealing with the consequence of your choices. When creating your personal development plan, you must consider not only career opportunities in the market but also your own skills and abilities.

Entertainment & Its Different Faces

manstone asked:

When we first say entertainment, the first thing one considers is the medium of reach. From television to radio, from newspaper to magazines and lately the internet along with mobile technology, every medium is utilized as a resource by the entertainment company to reach out to the common man. Earlier when we spoke of entertainment the only thought that came to our minds was cinema, but today with the evolution of society many other happening events has raised the standard of entertainment. From fashion shows, to sporting events, to a celebrity wedding or a perfume launch the entertainment industry has dominated in all major fields. Even when it comes to brand building your business all you would need is proper publicity of the product or brand that you would want to market. Getting it done through the entertainment sector proves beneficial simply because any major celebrity related to ******** entertainment is a house hold name and hence caters to the masses and classes alike.

The Entertainment sector in India on the whole can be categorized into various industries or companies depending upon the kind of services that they provide. If it is into news, advertisements and brand building it could be called a Media and Entertainment Company in India, if it is into public relations and ensures that it bridges the gulf between the product and the targeted customers it is said to be a public relation agency in India. If the company conducts any live event that is related to highlighting any particular product launch or an important social event it is termed as an Event Management Company in India. If it is into film production and distribution and other aspects of movie making it is termed to be a Movie Production Company in India. An important aspect of brand-building or product marketing through films is called in-film marketing. Here the product to be marketed is presented through out the film. If a company is into sports entertainment and has the broadcasting rights to any major sporting event that has the curiosity of the public and is being conducted then it is termed as Sports Marketing Company in India. Similarly if a company is solely into advertising it is termed as an advertising agency or advertising company in India.

Entertainment presented online has also been a source of revenue to many. Online games, film websites and other related domains do arouse the interest of numerous visitors, and to have a business link posted to that website does help. There is a saying that “Having a business and not advertising it, is like blinking at a girl in the dark”. Entertainment in India today is all about money. Film celebrities shield out around 10 crores per annum as income tax, hence providing enough amount of evidence the kind of finance involved in the entertainment sector.

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