ITT Tech has an on campus criminal justice program as well as a similar online program. The degrees offered under this segment are an Associate of Science in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice – Cyber Security.
While the degrees being offered and the course content sound all right, they may not ultimately meet your expectations. ITT Tech is a for-profit institution and it is there yto make money not to educate students. Education is a product they sell through various telemarketing and hard-sell tactics. They really sell dreams and dreams have this nasty tendency of getting shattered when you wake up.
The worst thing is while dreams are good as long as you don’t wake up, once you wake up and find your dream shattered you may find that there is little you can do about it – you are trapped because credits earned at ITT Tech cannot be transferred to any RA accredited community college or a 4-year college. The degrees that they give are also not recognized at most places that matter – employers or other good RA accredited schools.
Being a profit-oriented school the charges for tuition and other fees are also exorbitant. You can get a much better education at half the cost if you prefer to join some RA accredited community college or graduate school rather than ITT Tech. There are many people who have either worked for ITT Tech or are students there who have only bad things to say about ITT Tech. Read some of these comments at and then take a decision to enrol for ITT Tech school of criminal justice.