Spice Up Your Lives With Online Peppy Humors

Wain Roy asked:

Humor is the spice of life. Life without fun and humor is simply vain. Thanks to technological advancement in recent years, sources of humor have evolved themselves to new heights. Movies or plays are not the only source of humor of today. In fact, the duration of these stuffs leaves little option for people who can hardly afford to spend even an hour. Quick sources of humor surround our daily lives but we hardly care to look around and feel their presence.

Humor is not restrained to words or enactments. Even pictures possess the capacity to evoke laughter. A hoarding on the roadside can not only attract the attention of the passersby but also bring out smiles if it possesses a fun element. Funny pictures apart, funny videos are also an excellent source of quick humor.

Undoubtedly, funny videos offer moments of quick relief. These light moments are extremely important to cheer one’s spirits and shrug off every stress. In fact, visual sources of humor like videos and pictures create greater impact. Pictures and videos drawn from real life help one to connect to their own experiences. Most of the funny videos available on the Internet are drawn from real-life incidents, which help convey personal elements with a hint of fun.

Funny pictures, on the other hand, may incorporate cartoon sketches of well-known figures as well as real-life pictures. A number of them convey jokes to laugh your belly out. These hilarious stuffs evoke emotions to help our body attain equilibrium of health and happiness.

Physicians and therapists too emphasize on the advantages of humor in one’s life. Funny stuffs like pictures or videos can work wonders for people who are prone to depression. Even a five-minute fun break from your hectic schedule can be truly refreshing. Besides, the joy of watching funny videos with your friends or family is a nothing short of a priceless experience. These happy hours are a great way to strengthen your bonds with your near and dear ones.

So make the most of your lives by gorging in little tidbits of humor. The Internet is one platform from where funny stuffs like jokes, pictures or videos can be easily accessible. Take your pick of the jokes, funny pictures or funny videos to bring a fresh lease of life into the dull drudgery of your monotonous lives.

Funny Videos: your Online Resource of Instant Humor

Wain Roy asked:

“Laughter is the medicine.” However clichéd this might sound there’s no denying the truth of the statement. More often than not, we come across people who are over-stressed, hardly having the urge even to force a smile. In most cases, people do realize the need for refreshing humor, which would take away the burden of their stressful lives and fill them with fresh energy. But unfortunately, they lack sufficient time to venture out of their homes with the sole motive of entertaining themselves. Thankfully, the Internet has a lot of scope for those who feel the urge to chill out and have a bite of quick humor just at the click of a mouse!

Analyzing the current scenario, there has been a major upsurge in the number of funny videos and funny pictures over the Internet. There are numerous video blogging sites hosting funny video clips or pictures for people to have a hearty laugh. The success of You Tube.com has clearly revealed the inclination of people towards humor. So what accounts for the sudden rise in the popularity of these funny videos and pictures? A close observation of the trend might lead us to trace the psychological workings of the people’s minds at large.

To begin with, it’s not always the hunt for instant humor that can be held responsible for the rising popularity of fun-oriented websites. The visual appeal of funny videos is a major source of attraction, drawing the attention of a majority of people. The fact that things presented visually have a greater appeal can hardly be negated. Even movies, inspired from bestsellers, gain much more popularity than their original counterpart; the reason being the way in which they appeal to the eyes. If humor is sought as a pastime, it would not be conceivable for most of us to read books on wit and humor. This, of course, depends on a person’s taste but as commonly observed, reading becomes an even more remote possibility when one takes into consideration the numerous entertainment options available on the Internet.

Nevertheless, momentary humor remains the USP of sites hosting funny pictures and videos. Most of these videos feature some light moments shared with our family, friends, or colleagues. Out of them, funny videos of babies and kids are really a treat to watch. These moments of joy fill our hearts with warmth and allow us to unwind our spirits, thus healing our stressful souls.

With the Internet industry hugely inclined towards videos, funny videos have fast turned out to be a huge rage. There is no dearth of people hunting for some quick comic relief online. So, be it funny pictures or videos, the appeal never seems to *** out!

Jest Practices: Best Practices for Humor in the Workplace

Craig Harrison asked:

Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When used appropriately, humor can work for you.

Humor that Uploads Also Uplifts

Humor has the power to make people feel special. When you include people in fun it simultaneously improves morale, reduces stress and facilitates team building. With the prevalence of telecommuting and workgroups scattered geographically, the challenge of furthering working relationships, bonding and building camaraderie is real. At one San Francisco Bay Area company a workgroup staged an elaborate Remote Baby Shower. The expectant mother, who was out-of-state, called in for a pre-arranged conference call with her workgroup. When she did…surprise! Everyone was having a party in her honor. They uploaded digital photos of a decorated conference room and each other, and e-mailed sound files with well wishes. Everyone shared in the good cheer. This creative use of technology brought employees closer to each other, figuratively if not literally.

Humor That Brings People Together

Workplaces are full of opportunities to use humor for the benefit of all. Milestones are a natural place to employ humor. Dress like the recipient as a tribute during a surprise birthday party. Other celebrations to mark anniversaries, project completions or similar accomplishments are perfect opportunities to utilize humor. Even surviving certain projects is cause for celebration and fun.

Holidays are another natural time to employ humor. Halloween is a time for contests to see who can best decorate conference rooms; for other companies the anniversary of their founding is cause for celebration. Silly speeches, skits and spoofs abound.

And the Award Goes To…

Staging award ceremonies is a great way to have fun, recognize each other and revel in the shared work experience. Whether the categories mimic those found at the Oscars, Emmys or Tonys, or are derivative, esprit de corps rises when the team laughs at itself and each other. Best Supporting Actor, Best Impersonation of an Inanimate Object, Best Special Effects, Most Likely to Secede, or Lifetime Achievement Award.

Humor Is The Winning Ticket

Pranks can alternately be uplifting or uprooting. A desktop publisher, on April Fools Day, adorned his co-workers cars’ windshields with mock yellow parking tickets, complete with envelopes for remittance. Upon closer inspection, these true-to-life replicas of tickets had whimsical offenses of significance to the recipients. The departmental joker’s ticket cited him for “excessive use of farce” and the hard charging corporate counsel’s infraction charged him with a “Failure to Yield.” Of course the initiator of the *** was later cited for impersonating an officer. Everyone laughed at the spoof once they realized it was a joke. Judge Judy’s signature at the bottom of the ticket gave it away.

Pole Position

A fast growing company didn’t have enough office space for full cubicles for its new hires. One unfortunate hire’s assigned cubicle had a giant pole in its midst. To her credit she never complained. Co-workers felt for her. One night they hit the streets, collecting various fliers from telephone poles in their neighborhoods. The next day when the new hire reached her cubicle, the offending pole was now covered with notices about missing pets, renters seeking apartments, cheap movers for hire and even local GRE study groups. Not only did the employee know her co-workers felt her frustration, it bonded them as well as they pulled together to help one of their own.

One Person’s Humor is Another Person’s Horror

When targeting humor consider targeting yourself. Everyone has a different idea of what’s funny and what’s not. Many a well intentioned prank or joke has backfired. One co-worker sent another a prank letter impersonating a local media figure. The recipient mistook it for real, interpreted it as harassment and called the FBI. Oops!

The Benefits of Self-Effacing Humor

When we make fun of ourselves it actually demonstrates our healthy outlook, showing we don’t take ourselves so seriously. As a result, we’re regarded as more approachable and down to earth. Don’t make fun of yourself excessively. Such humor loses its effectiveness with overuse.

Everyone from politicians to CEOs to Southwest Airlines flight attendants use self-deprecating humor – humor that makes fun of themselves – to get people laughing at, and consequently with them. You can too.

While gallows humor may feel appropriate during layoffs and cutbacks, strive to employ humor that uplifts and taps universal themes for best results. Here’s to laughter!

Humor to Combat our Stressful Lives

Mark Doyle asked:

With all the recent events in the finical markets, housing markets, global tensions and war it is little wonder why a recent poll showed that 8 out of 10 Americans feel stressed out. So how do we deal with our stressful lives and make the most of them. The answer may be to simply have a good laugh now and then.

People have been saying that laughter is the best medicine for years. Is a trip to the comedy club or watching comedy on the internet really good for you? For an answer to this question we turn to the medical community for the answers.

We know that, during stress, the adrenal gland releases corticosteroids (quickly converted to cortisol in the blood stream) and that elevated levels of these have an immuno suppressive effect. Research shows that laughter can lower cortisol levels and thereby protect our immune system.

A sense of humor allows us to perceive and appreciate the incongruities of life and provides moments of joy and delight. These positive emotions can create neurochemical changes that will buffer the immuno suppressive effects of stress.

Stress is not dependent solely on an external event, but also depends upon the perception of the event and the meaning the person gives it. So, how you look at a situation determines if you will respond to it as threatening or challenging.

Humor gives us a different perspective on our problems. If we can make light out of the situation, it is no longer threatening to us. We have already discounted its effect. With such an attitude of detachment, we feel a sense of self-protection and control of our environment.

So watch a comedy movie or television show or check out stand up comedy videos on the web. It will give you a little break and allow your body to take care of itself. Have a good laugh, you will enjoy it and you just might feel a lot better.

Humorous Speakers Get Results For Meeting Planners

Winston Jenkins asked:

If you are a meeting planner and are thinking about hiring a speaker for your next meeting or event, consider bringing a humorous speaker to lend humor and inspiration to the attendee’s experience and your event. If you have been to a meeting where the speaker is presenting a dry or technical topic, you have probably asked yourself why there wasn’t any humor. And here is where a humorous speaker can help!

Humorous speakers can bring humorous stories, anecdotes and liven-up the over-all mode of the meeting to ensure that the attendees are engaged. Most of the best humorous speakers are members of the National Speakers Association (NSA) or the International Federation For Professional Speakers (IFFPS). Both of these organizations have stringent membership requirements and professional development programs to ensure that the humorous speaker is professional and competent.

Every humorous speaker brings their own personality, personal stories and style to the humorous speaking platform. Most humorous speaker will have their videos posted either on their web site or on the Internet for you to view. Viewing humorous speakers’ videos used to be a tedious process, but the Internet has changed all that. In addition, every humorous speaker that you are considering should have a pre-program questionnaire. This document helps the Meeting Planner and the Humorous Speaker customize the event, program and humorous speaker’s content to the specific needs of the client.

It would also be useful when interviewing humorous speakers that you schedule several conference or video calls to speak with the humorous speaker and view their communication styles. Are they articulate, humorous and professional? A few minutes spent on the telephone or on a video conference can be very telling about the humorous speaker.

Another good way to validate the credibility and effectiveness of the humorous speaker is to ask for references. All professional humorous speakers should have an ample supply of testimonial letters and contact that are usually supplied to the humorous speaker on the clients stationary. You should make it a point to ask for 3-5 client references from the humorous speaker and call them personally. Some of the questions you should ask are:

-Was the humorous speaker professional and courteous to the meeting planner and conference attendees?

-Was the humorous speaker easy to work with or were they demanding and unrealistic in their fee structure and other requests such as travel and accommodations?

-Did the humorous speaker do adequate preparation for their program with enough customization to reflect your organization’s culture and values?

If you follow these simple yet effective suggestions when hiring a humorous speaker you will be saving yourself time, energy and money.

Cultivating Organic Humor

Jay Speyerer asked:

Humor is a funny thing. Everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, but not everyone is right. You can be an effective speaker even if you don’t have a sense of humor, as long as you don’t try to fake it. The audience can always tell.

On the other hand, if you have been blessed with a good sense of humor, that isn’t enough to be a speaker; you also need a sense of timing. A sense of humor allows you to see the funny aspects of everyday life and the funny relationships between unrelated things. A sense of timing lets you talk about them in a funny way.

We all know what’s funny, but we laugh at wildly different examples. One theory says that some nationalities are funnier than others, but I don’t buy it. I’m German by ancestry and I’ve been known to be amusing, even though you’d probably be hard pressed to come up with a good example of German hilarity. Sure, we have lederhosen and yodeling, but they don’t count because we were serious about those. You might ask how on earth we could be serious about such cultural oddities. I answer with another German tradition: beer.

When aspiring speakers ask me if they can open their presentation with a joke, I suggest that they use humor instead. The term ‘joke’ hits me as being stand-alone and unrelated to a topic or theme. Effective humor is always organic, blending seamlessly with the topic and the audience.

Are isolated jokes funny? Sure they are. The vaudeville comedian Henny Youngman was famous for his disconnected one-liners. “My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.” But funny isn’t the only criterion; for humor to work within a presentation, it has to be effective, appropriate, and supportive of the topic. You know – organic. Unrelated one-liners don’t fit the definition. Besides, being able to tell a joke does not necessarily mean you have a good sense of humor; maybe you just have a good memory.

Organic humor is most effective when it’s woven into a story. But for the humor to work along with the point of the story, you really have to know the story. Really know it. REALLY. Pittsburgh radio personality and storyteller Jack Bogut says that a good speaker practices a story until he gets it right. A professional speaker practices a story until he can’t get it wrong. For any story – humorous or otherwise – to be effective, it must be told properly and flawlessly, and timing plays a major role.

This assumes you’ve mastered the basics, such as structure (beginning, middle, and end), progressive disclosure (what details you reveal and when you reveal them), and judicious use of dialogue and description. But it also includes minute details like the choice of language and the rhythm of the words. It isn’t only poetry and song lyrics that have rhythm; so do prose and the spoken word.

Let’s say you want to make a specific point using a humorous story as an illustration. Here’s one for you. The state of New Mexico recently unveiled (if that’s the right word) a series of public service announcements for the tipsy male from an unusual source: the urinal. Talking urinal cakes will spout messages in a female voice, such as the following: “Hey, you! Yeah, you! Having a few drinks? Then, listen up! Think you’ve had one too many? Maybe it’s time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home. It’s sure safer and a hell of a lot cheaper than a DWI! Make the smart choice tonight. Don’t drink and drive!”

(I don’t know what you would illustrate with this story; that’s your problem.)

The article I read didn’t say how the talking urinal cakes are activated and I don’t want to know. But a Department of Transportation spokesman is quoted as saying that the device is a great idea because it’s guaranteed to get “ten or fifteen seconds of undivided attention.” Wait a minute. If you’re in a bar restroom and you can take care of business in ten or fifteen seconds, well, you’re just not doing your part. And there’s another problem. If the poor guy is really swacked and he’s in there all by himself and suddenly hears a woman’s voice coming out of the urinal … that could really throw off his aim. Worst case scenario: there’s a whole bank of urinals, each with its own babbling deodorizer, all being used at the same time. The cacophony could drive a man to drink.

Notice that each of my comments on the story ends in a one-syllable word. That isn’t essential every time, but it’s more effective. Find an amusing story in the newspaper or notice something funny at work, and then see what else it makes you think of. How much funnier can you make real life?

While Henny’s one-liner would not fit into a speech or presentation, it offers some valuable examples of structure and rhythm. This joke has two parts, the setup and the snapper. “My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.” The setup has six syllables and the snapper has five, making only 11 syllables in the whole joke. And every word but one has only one syllable. That’s tight and economical writing.

Let’s try it another way: “My wife dresses to kill. You could say the same thing about her cooking.” It makes the same point, but not as well. Too many words and too many syllables. Plus, the second sentence doesn’t match the staccato rhythm of the first. In my bad example, I waited until the final word to reveal what is being compared to dressing, and that can be effective. But cooking has one syllable too many. Pay attention to the rhythm. A one-syllable word has more punch, especially if it’s the last one.

Many audiences expect a presenter to attempt humor. If the presenter is not a professional speaker, they’re also expecting the attempt to be lame. Surprise them.

CEO Humor

Ruthea Chambray asked:

CEO humor (including jokes about CEOs) is quite easy to come by, considering how stiff and uptight they’re usually required to be. What is it with nobility and Forbes-worthy citizens that makes them think that to appear as Very Important People (and I recognize that they are, mark my word, for I don’t use the Capital Letters of Great Importance on just anyone) , they have to master the art of strutting around as if they had random bits of cutlery shoved up their orifices? Really, I understand why the formal, business look reflects discipline and sacrifice, but I’d think the lesser workers would much better prefer a bright smile that encourages good work than a scowl that hints of hell to come. Heck, some CEO’s make people **** themselves by raising an eyebrow, and that’s not a sign of productivity at all.

CEOs are visionaries with goals to make a difference in the world. The problem is, they tend to focus on that goal first before looking at their respective companies. It’s common sense to think that if you’re going to make a difference, you start with the roots you were given. So CEOs would do well to make themselves welcoming to the people that make their companies work instead, and inject a little humor and levity in the workplace to encourage people to do the same, for a happy workplace is a productive workplace.

The politics of humor are mostly classified by class, race and gender; some jokes are alright when spoken by a specific sector, but is tactless and offensive if spoken by another. There is a heirarchy in place as well– with jokes about certain kinds of people being progressively limited in terms of political correctness, the higher one is on the social food chain. Black people can make jokes about fellow black people, but if white people say the same thing, they get stamped with bigotry.

So what does history tell us? People have less politically correct jokes at their disposal the higher they are in the social food chain, which should explain why CEOs and those others with higher tax brackets are so tight-assed. When the spotlight’s on you, you always have to watch what you say and how you act.

The best humor that CEOs can inflict upon themselves are jokes about themselves. The most loved CEOs often turn to making fun of themselves to break the ice, to allow people to think that there’s more to this higher up than a much fatter paycheck. One of the hallmarks of good leadership is self-effacing humor, as it demonstrates an openness to people that is hard to find among those of similar rank.

Some CEOs begin their terms by spending time with their entry-level workers, while others begin with an open-hearted speech that every person in their company can relate to. Humor can do a lot to break the ice, and when you’re the head of a corporation, having your workers like you is another achievement worth investing in.

CEO humor usually involves their personal experiences and the little nuances they encounter just because they are CEOs. Scott McNealy for example, former CEO of Sun Microsystems had made a humorous list of things he’s glad for now that he’s not CEO, which included not having to apologize for anything he said in Wall Street Journal, or having someone else to blame, or being able to play golf because the new CEO can’t.

CEOs are not the funniest of people, which is why people appreciate it when they try to be. That’s where the difference begins– when people see you as someone who can do something significant for the world without having to be a curmudgeon in your own base. Remember that happy people make for better workers, and a CEO who is loved rather than feared makes for a better workplace.

Humor Dating Rules to ***** Up Your Bones

Francis Githinji asked:

Some of the dating rules are very hilarious and it does not sound right to call them just rules. The best thing to call them is humor dating rules. When i visited some of my friends recently i laughed till i could not laugh any more after a man said that among his dating rules is that he does not date girls who have fat or ugly friends. Number two of his rules is that he does not date girls who think pot-bellies are not ****. They are just not fit to date together with one who does not praise the size of his manhood no matter how small it is. Another one came up with a really funny one. That a woman should never date a man who still lives in her mothers house after he is 30 years old. They argued that chances are that he has some hidden bodies under the board.

The lady also came up with other humor dating rules which had every woman thinking quiet hard. Do not date a guy who has the guts to go round in a car for a whole hour looking for a cheap parking space or to make it worse a cheap petrol station. You might laugh it off but it is serious. This sends a message that the guy is very mean with his money. For a relationship to prosper you need to share financial problems and a mean person makes you jump to the next one who might be a little more generous. The no romance without finance is a truly applicable slogan.

Ladies be warned. Do not take them as just humor dating rules they are real. Do not date a man who does not like showering. You might be subjecting yourself to torture of having to put up with a smelling partner. Do you want to leave under the shadow of your mother-law? Mama boys are dreaded by many women. That is why you should not date a man with a boob’s fascination. Why? Because the guys still want to be around their mums as long as possible. It is a sign that they adore their mother. Do not even think of going anywhere near a guy who has blow up dolls. It is not safe.

There are funny men who will tell you about their mental disorders on their first dates. To make it more humorous they propose to you on that very first date. Girl, run for your life because this is not funny. Humor dating rules state that; do not hang around with a guy who cannot scratch his balls in public. He is not disciplined enough to follow rules and regulations since this was taught to every guy by his primary teacher. Do not date a guy whose only idea of romance is a pat you on the back. These rules are funny and it is your choice to follow all of them. Do not blame me if you will be single after the age of 30.

motivational humorous speaker help America get happier & healthier

quinlanmurray asked:

Motivational humorous speakers can help bring humor and motivation into the proverbially stressful workplace. Recent studies reveal that humor and motivational humorous speakers can have a positive impact on the corporate bottom line, since a good sense of humor is a key communication tool that can bring about group cohesion and commitment, thus facilitating good performance and increased productivity.

A Gallup poll in 2005 found that only 31 percent of all employees felt engaged in their work and a sense of connection to their organization. These are the ones who drive innovation and move the company forward. But while an overwhelming 52 percent of the workers were not engaged and merely sleepwalked through their jobs, an alarming 17 percent were actively disengaged and unhappy in the workplace – they not only did not contribute positively to productivity, but also had a negative impact in that they undermined what the engaged workers were trying to accomplish. This Gallup study estimated that the lower productivity of actively disengaged employees could cost the U.S. economy up to $370 billion each year.

A recent survey conducted by an international consumer research firm reveals a full 90 percent of participants believe humor in the workplace helps relieve stress and a further 60 percent believe they would be more productive if their employers encouraged the use of humor. The results of the study indicate that the humorous style of a manager may be one of a number of factors that contribute to bottom-line performance and that the style of humor exhibited by a leader had a positive impact on unit performance. They suggest that leader’s use of humor may help shape a creative and efficacious work force. It also found that managers with a “transformational” leadership style – a management style known to promote the highest levels of employee and overall organizational performance – use humor most often.

Motivational humorous speakers addressing meeting attendees comprised of managerial and supervisory-level staff of corporations through their motivational and humorous stress-relieving speeches, quite apart from enhancing the quality and productivity of these meetings, more importantly could also impart to these managerial cadres invaluable motivational and humor skills, which they could then in turn utilize in their interactions with the employees, not only to motivate and relieve stress in the workplace environment, but also consequently contribute significantly to increased productivity. Next time you need to motivate your employees, hire a motivational humorous speaker.

Humor ~ What is It?

John Bell asked:

Humor is always linked to comedy. It is generally recognized as something acceptable to, and enjoyed by everyone, no matter what his or her age. Learning to smile is one of the first recognizable displayed characteristics of newborn babies.

The rhythmic expulsion of air from the lungs is recognized as laughter in a matter of weeks following the birth, and is a primitive form of basic communication. Mother Nature has already equipped young babies with a powerful tool they can use to good advantage as a key factor in human bonding, the building of special relationships and social cohesion in the years that follow.

If asked, most people would state they had a good sense of humor. Used for professional entertainment it becomes an art, whether it is for business or pleasure. It requires careful planning and skilful delivery. I have learned from experience that such skills can be taught and then must be regularly practiced by those interested in becoming comedians.

Humor is totally subjective, always provoking, and generates different reactions from different people. Effective comedians are few and far between partly because what is funny to one person is not funny to another. The large majority of an audience must quickly consider they have some kind of rapport with a comedian. The best comedians are considered to be intellectual observers of human activity. They are philosophical spectators of the humorous anomalies found in life.

Making others laugh is a masterful skill that can change lives. People who can get others laughing are usually seen as being charismatic and are usually highly admired in society. Humor also takes a key part in the act of attraction. In many cultures giggling is often a sign of a secret sexual tension expressed by both men and women. You’re giggling aren’t you?

Humor makes uncomfortable situations more comfortable. It allows individuals to laugh no matter how grim living gets. It is such a nice feeling people will pay money to others to make them laugh. It is cathartic; it encourages an individual to purge their problems and painful emotions through the joy of laughter.

Study top comedians and you will soon realize that those skilled in delivering humor are great storytellers. Comedy is often based upon conflicting drama thrown up in life. It is not funny having to be funny. You need to be seriously funny to impress others. It is no joke. I mean that seriously.

Comedy and wit have little to do with an ability to tell jokes. People who ‘tell jokes’ are often seen as boring individuals with little sense of humor. They often begin their comedy routine with words along the line of ‘Have you heard the one about”? True comedy is the practically enacted theory of the absurdities so often found in human relationships.

Experienced comedians are not afraid to laugh at themselves because humor is a universal human activity that allows the comedian to become a philosophical spectator of his own life in relation to those around him. Popular topics often revolve around the boss, their children and/or their partner or spouse.

As a professional speaker I have two roles. As an after-dinner speaker my sole purpose is to entertain the audience. As a keynote, motivational presenter I become a serious speaker seeking to help my audience remember important messages by using humor as a powerful tool. I have learned from experience that even the most focussed of audiences have an attention span of less than seven minutes. By injecting humor into my talks I help my audience stay alert and absorb important material.

Laughter is the best medicine. Unless of course you are asthmatic when inhaled steroids are likely to come highest on your list. Which is why I am so popular with healthcare professionals. As the saying goes ‘Physician heal thy self’ this is exactly what I am helping to facilitate when I make my medical audiences laugh.

Laughter is a physiological response to a trigger I activate in the audience. Members of the medical profession are no different to anyone else. They regularly feel anxiety, stress and even anger. By making them laugh I pull on a laughter trigger that releases endorphins, which in turn, counteracts the unpleasantness they may be feeling at that moment in time. Furthermore, happy people feel good to be around. Patients can feel so much better simply by being around healthcare professionals who appear happy. Everyone hates a ‘doctor death’ character who always look as if they are about to give out bad news.

Laughter in the workplace is important too for the boosting of staff morale and for the increase in productivity that usually follows. A happy staff is a productive staff.

During the talks I give around the world I often use examples of humorous real-life examples from my own family relationships to illustrate the principles of human awareness. Looking at an audience I can usually tell those going through a difficult relationship. They are the miserable looking individuals who work so hard trying not to even smile when those around them are struggling to stem a flow of uncontrollable laughter. I always work on the principle ‘you can’t please all of the people all of the time’. I think Abraham Lincoln said that. Or was it Bob Dylan?

I am in no doubt that laughter is the key to a happy marriage. If you are able to laugh at each other, it shows you are able to affectionately tease and play – something so important in all human relationships. A happy marriage takes effort. I have been happily married for 34 years. We keep our relationship fresh by each and every week, without fail, treating ourselves to a meal in a top restaurant with a good quality bottle of our favourite wine.

She goes out each Tuesday and I each Thursday evening.

In conclusion ~ humor is a fundamental basic in the art of effective public speaking. It can make the difference between a great talk with an enthusiastic audience and a disastrous monotonous monologue.