Ram Sethu: Proof of Great Science of Ancient Past

Chanchal Malviya asked:

nbsp;    Indian Historians: Notorious or Ignorant

More than a hundred years ago, when History of India was written under British influence, there was no room for Ramayan and Mahabharat as historical events. They were epics and of no importance for students. It is surprising that India is one country whose history has been written by its enemies and the whole nation yet follows it. No doubt the history was a strategic attack on Indian civilization and culture that paved way for western culture into the nation. With time, truth is evolving back. Science of India that was denied is now accepted through western influence. The myths are suddenly appearing to be history. And one such history is Ram Sethu. Since, it is a history of Hindus, politics and literates are not ready to accept it as truth.

If they are so intelligent, let them go through this article. I challenge them through few questions mentioned in bold in this article.

Let us have a background of what politicians and historians (British written history literates) say about Ram Sethu.

Historian B.D. Chattopadhyay of Jawaharlal Nehru University says the archaeological record says nothing of the sort. There is no evidence of a human presence in the subcontinent, he says, before roughly 250,000 to 300,000 years ago. It is generally believed man’s hominid ancestors did not leave their African home until about two million years ago.

Very important point here is that Mr. Chattopadhyay has forgot to note that what is said of hominid ancestors is also a belief – a belief generated by Western people and followed by Mr. Chattopadhyay – not Truth, not Science. Surely Ramayan, if a belief is a belief of eastern people – Indian People. Mr. Chattopadhyay is trying to introduce a belief clash.

Why Mr. Chattopadhyay wants to defy a true instance with a false belief? Does Mr. Chattopadhyay want to say that Lord Rama is deep in the heart of billions of Indians to this date without any truth? Can false beliefs find so deep root in society and for so long time?

I read a similar comment from N Ramanujam. Head, Post Graduate Department of Geology and Research Centre, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin.

He said that Adam’s Bridge is only a chain of shoals between the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar, created by sedimentation owing to long shore currents.

Explaining the bridge’s geological history, he said both the Palk Strait and the GoM were once part of the Cauvery basin, which was formed during the separation of India and Antarctica about 70 million years ago during the `Gondwana period.’

They were combined till a ridge was formed in the region owing to thinning of earth’s crust. The development of this ridge augmented the coral growth in the region.

“The coral cover acted as a `sand trapper’ leading to the formation of Rameswaram Island,” Dr. Ramanujam said.

The long shore currents on the southern side of island created a discontinuous shoreline eastward from Dhanuskodi to Talaimannar, which’s the Adam’s Bridge.

Let us see what Mr. Ramanujam has said:

How many such Chain of Shoals bridging two nations is known to Dr. Ramanujam? Is there any other Geographical construct anywhere in the world – deposits of shoals along the coast doesn’t say that it bridges two land pieces?

Again Mr. Ramanujam is taking support of another belief to beat the truth. He is talking of Gondwana theory, a theory that has no concrete proof – an imaginary thesis with some scientific logic behind it. Hundreds of such theory can be generated based on Geographical principles, but that do not defy a concrete reason of existence.

Why did Gondwana theory leave a trace of only One Bridge on the Globe?

Very important – Ramanujam is unable to change the names of two places as Dhanuskodi and Talaimannar which are not English names as they already exist, and hence successfully accepts a controversial English name of Adam’s Bridge instead of Ram Setu. Mr. Ramanujam could very easily put his theory with the name of the Bridge still as Ram Setu. But he ends up in saying that is Adam’s Bridge – WHY?

Why did Mr. Ramanujam accept Adam’s theory to be correct? Does Mr. Ramanujam want to support that Adam and Eve existed and Lord Rama didn’t exist?

If yes, then Adam and Eve existed in India alone as the bridge is in India – Again controversy – as Manu Shatrupa would be more known names in this region and analogy to Adam and Eve. Moreover, acceptance of Adam’s Bridge is acceptance that it was build by Adam. Actually, the logic fits opposite to them – how can the first man on earth build a bridge of that volume? He would be immature at first place, he is alone at second place and why will he ever endeavor to bridge the sea? Though the only evidence is with India, no logic fits to the name as ‘Adam’s Bridge’. This clearly reflects the Christian mentality trying to impose and kill Hindu greatness. And poor Historians of India, brought up in the education system of English, unable to break the boundary of false arrogance of being high literary, seems to be helplessly saying that Ram Setu Bandh is not historical. They cannot even hold a petty vision that humans have build wall of length of Great wall of China that is visible from even Satellite; what would stop humans to build Ram Setu Bandh and what is surprising or opposing to the fact that it was built as a part of Ramayan as a history.

Does Mr. Ramanujam want to say that if Adam built it, it is history, but if Lord Rama built it it is a Myth and a natural construct?

Professor Dupey says that as per Archeological survey, remains from Ayodhya controversial site has found temple remains whose age do not go beyond 600 B.C.

Mr. Dubey: Do you want to say that if I build a temple today, you will conclude that Lord Rama existed since today and not before?

Temples are build and rebuild and their age can only say about the age of the temple and the age of the personality whose worship is done in the temple.

We need to understand certain points here, modern Archeology and Science is far different than what used to exist in ancient India. For instance, old temples of India, yet existing, were built on a different technology than what we find in modern civil engineering. This doesn’t mean that ancient archeology was not having mathematics maturity – in fact, if we look at Temples of India, Jagannath Puri temple for instance, we do not find any iron or pillars used to build the temple – yet it stands from hundreds of years to a height of around 200 ft.

Assume that Puri temple would have been razed some 10000 years ago, what technology or archeological proofs would be derived to conclude that the temple was 200 ft high?

Similarly, the Ram Setu bandh has seen ages, and that too not on land, but in sea – a turbulent sea. The major of the mass is already washed off – a question to be pondered is that what remains is just a trace of the actual bridge – not the whole bridge as it was.

Ramayan mentions that the bridge was built over the sea water, with support of Sea – this implies that there was no supporting archeology involved in constructing the bridge – this is easily supported by the failure of Archeology ground to trace such constructs under ground. Yet the presence of shoals below the bridge and their type indicate that they cannot be found in sea in the manner it exists at Ram Sethu.

Now, Mr. Dubey accepts that the age of Shoals found at Ram Sethu goes around 1 million years. He misguides people, as he is a literate of History written by British, that Ramayan was first written around 10000 years ago and not 1 million years ago. Mr. Dubey, here is a simple calculation for you to further investigate:

The age of the bridge as per scientific dating comes to around 1 million years. As per Hindu scriptures, Ramayan took place in ‘Treta Yug’. Calculating by Hindu scriptures (Treta Yug with a tenure of 12,96,000 years, Dwapar Yug with a tenure of 8, 64,000 years, Kali Yug has just seen 5,000 years): We know that Treta Yug was before Dwapar Yug. So, one thing is quite evident. The Bridge was constructed at least 8,64,000 years ago, i.e., 0.86 million years ago, which is pretty close to 1 million years. Treta Yuga itself is 1.3 million years of age.

How is that scientific age of the shoals and the Hindu calendar age of Lord Rama matches exactly? Will Mr. Dubey and other historians dare to come out of the falsehood of our enemy teachings and try to explore some mathematics of Hindus before they say make such stupid comparison of scientific ages?

2.      Analysis of Valmiki Ramayan over RAM SETHU

Now, let us go into the Valmiki Ramayan and dig out more history out of it. Let us be sure that if we want to dig history, we have to touch Valmiki Ramayan alone and not any other Ramayan, because all other Ramayan are written with purpose of promoting Ramayan and recording the event.

Here are certain points from Valmiki Ramayan to be considered:

1.        There is no other book than Ramayan that has put into scriptures describing such geographical constructs.

2.        Ramayan says that it was build under the supervision of an Architect Nala – son of the greatest Architect of all times ‘Vishwakarma’ (Note: ‘Vishwakarma’ is a designation given to the greatest archeologist and builder of the era in ancient Hindu society, a similar practice as we have in modern world of ‘Nobel Prize’). Thus, the book makes sure that such a bridge can be constructed by only architect of highest skill.

Why do the politicians mislead the nation by saying that Lord Rama was a Superman who build the bridge, when Ramayan clearly says that it is not Lord Rama but the Architect Nala and Neela who build the bridge?

3.        The bridge was (Ramayan mentions the bridge constructed in 5 days: 14 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 100 yojans) 100 Yojans long and 10 Yojans wide. Data to be considered here:

4.        The data starts from 14 yojans as first day, which is less than other day’s data, confirming a logic that first day as a beginning had taken time to gear up all Vanars. Second day it took momentum and rest of the days the distance of the bridge constructed is found to be nearly same. A logical conclusion of this sort is made only when the event have occurred in reality.

Why did Valmiki thrust his imagination to get the bridge completed only in 5 days? He could have well increased the number of days to help people of today understand it more logically. Or he could have even reduced the number of days to highlight the power of Lord Rama.

5.        The data that more than a crore (10 million) Vanaras were involved in building it, seems to be logical to fit to support the volume of the bridge constructed. Now, the count may not be exact, but surely Valmiki wants to say that there was a huge task force working for the bridge.

Valmiki could have easily shown Lord Rama winning the battle with few hundred Vanars as his soldiers – why 10 million?

6.        The width vs. length ratio also looks scientific and supportive to help carry such a huge mass across the bridge. The bridge is wide enough so as to withstand the weight of crores of Vanaras and allow passage to all of them.

7.        The bridge is said to be built in 5 days, giving an idea that bridge had to be built in a very short period of time, failing which the Opponent King Ravana would have come to know about it and would have attacked never allowing the bridge to be constructed. Thus, the period fits the war logic.

8.        The bridge is said to be constructed by around a crore Vanaras, the count fits the possibility of getting the bridge constructed in such a small time – a huge task force doing it. Though, the methodology of construction is not elaborated and shortened by mentioning that various ‘Yantras’ or Machinery were used to build the bridge, but it gives an indication that machinery were applied to do the task. It should be a subject to study about our past. Valmiki Ramayan: Yuddha Kanda, 22.60:

‘Hastimatran Mahakayah Pashananshch Mahabalah

Parvatanshch Samutpatya Yantraiyah Parivahanti Cha’

What was the need to mention that certain Machineries were used for constructing the bridge? How did an ancient man imagine of machineries?

9.        Very interestingly, Rama is not said to have built the bridge and the point clarifies that building it was the skill of an architect – Nala and not Rama or Hanuman, the hero of the book. Had Ramayan been a fantasy of Maharishi Valmiki, he would easily fantasized and written something like Rama built a bridge of Arrows as Rama was the hero in fantasy. But it is not so, making one think that it is not fantasy writing.

Why didn’t he tell the world that it was Lord Rama who builds it and give the credit to someone else of this great happening? After all, Lord Rama was the hero of his imagination.

10.    Ramayan also depicts the materials used in making the bridge clarifying that it was a possibility, but not under imagination of human capacity under technology support of today.

11.    Seeing the time constraint, it looks logical to have Vanars who are brisk in their movement collecting materials and fitting it in place as directed.

12.    The places mentioned in Ramayan exactly matches to the current location of the bridge, thus confirming that the book is not a story.

13.    The length of the bridge matches to what is mentioned in Ramayan.

So, looking at Ramayan alone one can conclude that the Bridge is not a natural construct. Having proven on the point of Bridge alone that Ramayan is not a book of myth, but a book of History, it straight away brings the truth that Maharishi Valmiki was the first Historian known to man kind

3.      Current Findings on RAM SETHU and their analysis

However, we need to further analyze current findings as well.

The first thing to consider is that under the current scientific evaluation, the bridge is proved to have a chain of shoals is 30 to 35 km long in Palk Street, and its unique curvature confirms that it is man made, and is not a Geographical Construct at all.

Archeological findings have proven that first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to primitive age of about 1,750,000 years of the same era as Ramayan (‘Treta Yug’, which lies exactly mid way to above number).

Sri Lankan Government has done Archeological Survey and found some very interesting data:

A mountain covered completely with herbal plants of same type that is found in Himalayas. There is no other mountain in whole Sri Lanka of that kind. This stands as an evidence that the mountain was brought by Lord Hanuman to Sri Lanka – How was this done is subject to study? To my knowledge, Sri Yantra of Hindu myth (or may be similar constructs) is actually a anti-gravitation theory which was know to our Rishis in those days and these things were possible only by such means. Someday, science will surely understand this.

Ashok Vatika is traced with complete Greenery and while soil. With a gap of hardly 10-20 meters, soil suddenly turns to be black and burnt and it stretches to miles. This highly unnatural and it stands to prove that Lord Hanuman had burnt Lanka.

There are many other proofs that have come up, but I consider these two points as strong as the Bridge itself.

Can our Historians consult the British again and create more theory around these evidences, so that they can be included in History books against Ramayan?

From Ayodhya to Sri Lanka, most of the places still hold the names as it was around a million years ago. Even the devastating Muslim invasion could not eliminate the names. Ayodhya, Chitrakut, Panchvati, Rameswaram, Lanka – all the names are as mentioned in the book. Rameswaram is the place where Lord Rama worshipped Lord Shiva and established the idol ‘Shiv Lingam’, exist to date as a place of worship. Ramayan talks about Mahendragiri Mountain as the highest point and best point to watch across the sea. Geographically, it is proven that Mahendragiri is the highest mountain in that area and gives a visibility of around 60 km range.

Why don’t these politicians and historians say how are these mentioned in Ramayan? Did these places pre-existed and Valmiki traveled a lot to create this story? Or these places were named after people read Valmiki Ramayan?

The more logical answer is, these places pre-existed and the event took place which Valimiki wrote as poetic history.

Another important fictitious topic of Ramayan is ‘Pushpak Viman’ – a vehicle that could take aerial route to travel. No doubt the Pusphak Viman no more exists, but it cannot be fantasy as we have similar air planes telling about it. What challenges the concept of Viman is the understanding that technology has developed in current era and people were devoid of such high-tech products in ancient India. But then Ramayan gives a background of Pushpak Viman in terms of how it was acquired, thereby making one think that it was not a mere fantasy. It should not be expected from the book Ramayan to describe the details of Pushpak Viman creation. The question that should be asked is where the actual scientific data of Hindu researches about building the Pushpak Viman got lost – and true history of India and world will evolve.

Do our Historians want to say that if Pushpak Viman existed then Valmiki would have mentioned how it was built? How many history book of today contains the scientific methodology of building machinery – why don’t our historians first do this?

What seems to be mythical to the Historians and Science is the concept of Monkey building the Bridge. But they forget to expand the vision on this, purely because of their biased attitude to defeating Hindu faith. We all know now that there are many species that do not exist now and the largest known to human is Dinosaur. Why can’t different specie exist around 1 million years ago with the capacity of human intelligence and monkey like physical structure – something that was called as Vanars in those days? Science do not forget to mention that man evolved out of monkeys – but defeats Hindus to consider that Vanars were the in between form of the evolution the evidence present in those days. But no view would consider this, simply because then the religion of peace would win then. Yet, there is no doubt that evolution theory is again a controversial theory existing and taught to people, without any scientific evidence around it.

No historian can deny the fact that there is a coincidence and only one coincidence between a reality and its occurrence in a book called Ramayan. Instead, of now having set a direction to find out how such thing took place, these catholic followers are simply applying all forces and theories to falsify a fact.

Science is now saying that the age of earth is around 4 billion years – can science produce a history of 4 billion years with concrete proof – no one asks this question and believes science. No one knows how many generation of humanity evolved and got destroyed since the earth was formed. No one knows when the earth was exactly formed. Actual fictions and stories lie on this side as well – but our dear Historians do not have the courage to flatter about it.

I do not understand, if such an amazing construct is not within the reach of modern science, why can’t this bridge be put as one of the Wonders? Why can’t it be listed under World Heritages (yet maintain it as Hindu sacred place)? Instead, the anti-Hindu moves are motivating Congress to destroy the bridge.

If the destruction of a 500 year old Babri Masjid is not tolerable and it created havoc in the world, why is million year old constructs not protected? Thousands of Hindu temples have been destroyed and are being destroyed to date in Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and so many other countries. Neither media nor politics talks about it. Why shouldn’t Hindus stand now to protect Ram Sethu, which is a direct proof of One million old history of India?

Holisticjunction.com Featured School of the Week August 12, 2007: Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences

Steven Parbach asked:

Reaching your goal of earning your degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine has never been more attainable then through the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (ACCHS), located in Oakland, California. The Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences provides an assortment of academic programs including its 300-hour Tui Na Massage Therapy Certificate Program, Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine program, and public continuing education courses in Tui Na, Tiaji, and QI Gong.

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Featured School of the Week: Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences

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Science Fair Projects Kids Will Think is Fun – Does Air Take Up Space

Magrietha Du Plessis asked:

Do you want your kids to love science? If so, make sure they do science fair projects kids will find fun. Kids will not be interested in projects that are not very visual and that are not very easy to do. They want to see the results in a very short time; I’ve seen that over and over again with my little granddaughter Anabel. She loses interest very soon if things are moving too slow!

So, here is a science fair projects kids will find fun and easy. It actually is two experiments that can be done, first the one and on the next day the other so it does not take too long.

Does air take up space?

The case of the dry tissue paper

After you have done this experiment you should be able to answer the following questions:

1. How does the tissue paper feel after the first part of the experiment?

2. What do you see when you turn the glass slightly?

3. What causes these bubbles?

4. What happens to the tissue paper now?

5. What do you think stopped the tissue paper from getting whet the first time?

6. What was there between the tissue paper and the water?

7. Look around, is there air around you?

Can you see the air?

What you need for your project:

* One tissue

* A glass

* A bowl

* Water

How to do this experiment:

1. First you have to crumple the tissue and place it in the bottom of the glass making sure there is a relatively big space between the rim of the glass and the tissue.

2. Now you have to turn the glass up side down and submerge it in the water making sure you keep it completely vertical.

3. Take the glass out of the water and feel the tissue.

4. Now do the same, but turn the glass slightly so the air can escape.

5. Take it out again and feel the tissue.

6. Now and try all the questions on top.


Air takes up space and it is all around us. The tissue stays dry in the first part because the air between the water and the tissue prevent the water from reaching it and making it whet. In the second part you allowed the air to escape and water could fill that space left by the escaping air. The air was not there to form a layer between the water and the tissue any more, so the water reached the tissue and made it whet.

The case of the airlock

After you have completed this, one of our science fair projects kids will love to do, you should be able to answer the following questions:

1. What do you do when you seal the opening of the bottle with the adhesive clay?

2. What happens when you pour the water in the funnel while the bottle is sealed?

3. Why do you think it happens?

4. Why doesn’t the air escape through the opening in the funnel?

5. Why do you keep the top opening of the straw closed at first?

6. What happens when you take away your finger after you have inserted the straw in the opening of the funnel?

7. Why do you think it happens?

8. What does it tell you about the properties of the water as well as the air?

What you need for this experiment:

* A funnel with a short stem

* A bottle with an opening that the funnel fist snuggly in

* Adhesive clay

* A straw

* A jug

* Water

What to do:

1. Place the funnel in the bottle

2. Seal the rim of the bottle with adhesive clay making sure it is completely sealed and no air can escape

3. Put the water in a jug and pour some of it into your funnel and observe what happens.

4. Now you take the straw and while keeping one end closed with your finger, push it into the funnel.

5. Remove your finger

6. Observe what happens now


The air in the bottle is trapped and prevents the water from running into the bottle. No air can escape through the water as the water molecules in the opening of the funnel because of the surface tension in the water. (What is this?) When you insert the straw in the bottle, you hold one opening closed to prevent the water from the funnel to go into the straw. When the straw is through the water layer and you remove your finger, the air in the bottle can escape through the straw and the water starts pouring into the bottle.

These two science fair projects kids will love to do can be turned into a very good science fair project. Pay attention to the scientific method and your display.

Science and Religion

peterhutch asked:

The relationship between religion and science takes many forms as the two fields are both broad. They employ different methods and address sometimes different questions. The scientific method relies on an objective approach to measure, calculate, and describe the natural/physical/material universe. Religious methods are more subjective (or intersubjective in community), relying on varying notions of authority, ideas believed to have been revealed, intuition, belief in the supernatural, individual experience, or a combination of these to understand the universe.

Common to all these types is the anthropomorphic character of their conception of God. In general, only individuals of exceptional endowments, and exceptionally high-minded communities, rise to any considerable extent above this level. But there is a third stage of religious experience which belongs to all of them, even though it is rarely found in a pure form: I shall call it cosmic religious feeling. It is very difficult to elucidate this feeling to anyone who is entirely without it, especially as there is no anthropomorphic conception of God corresponding to it.

Relation of science to religion very different from the usual one. When one views the matter historically, one is inclined to look upon science and religion as irreconcilable antagonists, and for a very obvious reason. The man who is thoroughly convinced of the universal operation of the law of causation cannot for a moment entertain the idea of a being who interferes in the course of events – provided, of course, that he takes the hypothesis of causality really seriously. He has no use for the religion of fear and equally little for social or moral religion. A God who rewards and punishes is inconceivable to him for the simple reason that a man’s actions are determined by necessity, external and internal, so that in God’s eyes he cannot be responsible, any more than an inanimate object is responsible for the motions it undergoes. Science has therefore been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hopes of reward after death.

The relation between these two great cultural forces has been tumultuous, many-faceted, and confusing. This entry will concentrate on the relation between science and the theistic religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam and theistic varieties of Hinduism and Buddhism, where theism is the belief that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing perfectly good immaterial person who has created the world, has created human beings ‘in his own image,’ and to whom we owe worship, obedience and allegiance. There are many important issues and questions in this neighborhood; this entry concentrates on just a few.

There have been many conferences recently discussing the relationship between science and religion. The Templeton Foundation, for example, has supported numerous conferences on this theme. Many of those participating in these discussions apparently assume that science and religion are compatible. They argue that there is no contradiction between them, and some even maintain that science confirms the basic principles of religious faith.

3 Tips for Getting More From the Science of Getting Rich

Tony Mase asked:

(c) 2008 Tony Mase

Wallace D. Wattles’ nearly one hundred year old classic masterpiece, “The Science of Getting Rich”, has recently become *THE* book to read on the subject of getting rich. However, most of those who read this incredible book won’t get near as much from it as they could.

Here are three tips that’ll help you get more from it…

Tip #1 – Stay away from edited and/or revised versions.

Since “The Science of Getting Rich” was originally published in 1910, a number of edited and/or revised versions of it have been published both online and offline.

Besides some having slight changes of title, most, if not all of these edited and/or revised versions contain changes in the wording of the original book by Wallace D. Wattles ranging from minor to major in a so-called attempt to “modernize” and/or make it more “readable”.

You can sometimes recognize these edited and/or revised versions of “The Science of Getting Rich” by a slight change in title from that of the original. Other times, you’ll find someone has added his or her name as a co-author or editor of the book.

Unfortunately, there are a whole host of others out there where the title is the same as the original and there isn’t a co-author’s or editor’s name listed, yet the text of the original book has been substantially edited and/or revised.

Personally, when I want to know what a particular author has to say, I want to read his or her own words and not those of someone else. This is especially true in the case of Wallace D. Wattles’ writings.

In my opinion, any change of wording, however minor, takes away from the original meaning of what Wallace D. Wattles wrote and thus changes our understanding of it.


I strongly encourage you stay away from edited and/or revised versions of “The Science of Getting Rich” and stick to the original.

Tip #2 – Look up words you don’t understand.

I know this sounds like simple common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do it. I can tell by some of the questions I get.

Occasionally, as you read “The Science of Getting Rich”, you’ll come across words you may not understand or don’t make sense to you in the context in which Wallace D. Wattles used them.

None of us knows the meaning of every word there is in the English language. Many words have multiple meanings. And, keep in mind, Wallace D. Wattles wrote “The Science of Getting Rich” nearly one hundred years ago. Many words that were in common usage then are no longer commonly used today and many words that were used back then were used with a different meaning than the meaning we’d attach to them today.

A good example of this is the word “check”. If you look up the word check in a dictionary, you’ll see it has a number of meanings. One of the meanings is to examine something to see if it’s true or satisfactory. Another meaning is to stop or slow something down.

In Chapter 9 of “The Science of Getting Rich”, Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

“But you can check all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance.”

In this case, Wallace D. Wattles is using the word check to mean stop or slow down. In other words, he’s saying…

But you can stop or slow all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance.

Although the word check was commonly used to mean stop or slow something down when Wallace D. Wattles wrote “The Science of Getting Rich”, it’s not a common use of the word today.

If you didn’t know the word check had multiple meanings, or if you didn’t know the word check was commonly used with this meaning back then, it’d be easy for you to misinterpret what Wallace D. Wattles was saying.

Tip #3 – Apply what you learn.

Here’s the deal…

You can read “The Science of Getting Rich” hundreds of times. You can study it until you’re blue in the face. You can memorize it, philosophize, and talk about it to your heart’s content. However, until you apply what you learn from it, you’re not going to get the results you’re seeking from it, PERIOD!


I know, at first glance, it seems like there’s an awful lot in it to apply. However, the simple truth of the matter is there really isn’t. In reality, there are only a tiny handful of concepts you really need to apply.


If you want results from “The Science of Getting Rich”, it’s *vitally* important you understand…

It’s your *application* of this tiny handful of concepts, not your knowledge and/or understanding of them, that’ll make the difference in your life…

All the difference in the world, I might add! 🙂

Visalus Sciences MLM Home Business Review

Rich Ramalho asked:

Visalus Sciences is a relatively new company in the home business arena that is based out of Troy, Michigan with 2 expanded marketing offices located on the west coast. Visalus markets several patented health and nutritional products based on clinical and scientific studies over seen by Dr. Michael Seidman, Director of Product Research and Development. The products are designed to provide optimal health for the body. Visalus offers a home business opportunity by selling or marketing their products through MLM or multilevel-marketing.

The product line includes Visalus Science Vi-Pak, Neuro, Vimmunity, and Visalus Sciences award winning weight loss supplement, Slim Trim Shape Program. Visalus Sciences is committed to helping people live healthier, more rewarding lives. There have been some testimonials from people using the Visalus Sciences products. Some examples given by people consuming the Visalus Sciences products include statements of increased energy, improved mental clarity, dramatic weight loss including inches and some reports of lower blood pressure and cholesterol. They also have many scientific studies representing such institutions as the University of California Berkeley, New York University, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Anti Ageing (NIA), Stanford, MIT, and the Beijing Medical University.

The Visalus Sciences MLM business opportunity contains a uni-level compressed compensation plan with one of the highest commissionable payouts in the MLM industry. The plus with the comp plan is that you can get paid immediately upon building your first leg while earning commissions throughout your entire organization. For example, if you entered the business as an ESS (Executive Success System) you make a fast start bonus of $80 – $155 for each ESS you introduce to your business that’s paid out weekly. You would also receive a monthly check based on the commissionable sales volume in your organization. The uni-level compressed compensation plan is simple and easy to understand comparatively to other MLM compensation plans simply because one only has to sponsor a few key individuals to be successful and have the opportunity to earn a substantial income.

In conclusion, Visalus Sciences seems to have some very solid products in their Visalus health and nutritional product line, and the comp plan is very simply laid out and easy for one to understand. If you enjoy a healthy and prosperous lifestyle and are looking for a viable work from home opportunity, then the Visalus Sciences business could be the right fit for you.

Behold the Wonders of Science at the Museum of Science

Naveen Marasinghe asked:

The Museum of Science sounds very stuffy, doesn’t it? Sounds like a very dead place, very prim and proper, with the proper exhibits, where you have to be quiet and respectful, rather like a mausoleum. It doesn’t sound in the least like a place where a Boston Duck Tour is based. It definitely doesn’t sound like a place where you could see the tribute to Star Wars, if it isn’t on tour. It also doesn’t sound like the kind of place where you find Lord of the Rings come to life. Neither would you expect something as interesting as a to-scale version of our solar system.

Whether you expect it or not, this is what you will find at the Museum of Science, Boston. The exhibits at this particular museum come alive. It’s set up to make people curious and to interest people, not to intimidate them. It’s not all about walking around, looking at exhibits, either. No matter how interesting the exhibits are, that would be rather trying. There are live presentations on just about everything you could possibly have questions about, throughout the museum.

The combination definitely makes the Museum of Science one of the most entertaining, informative and intriguing places you can spend a day at, but that’s not all. The Charles Hayden Planetarium has shows every day that will simply dazzle you. Even that is topped by the only domed IMAX screen in all of New England, the Mugar Omni IMAX theater.

The Museum of Science is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and is home to over a hundred animals, many of which would have died or been grievously harmed if the Museum of Science hadn’t stepped in.

There are plenty of mind boggling and famous displays at the Museum of Science. Some of the displays and phenomenon from the nineteen fifties onwards are shown in fascinating ways. Theories and experiments get antiquated in days, with the pace science is moving at. Fifty years for science back counts as a few centuries back would for art. For instance, there is a cloud chamber where visitors can see vapor trails of particle emitted by radioactive substances at a very close range. This will still be interesting and fascinating to most people, but it’s become old news for science.

The rotary dial system is something we recognize as being antiquated, though, and there is a display that shows us how it works. Antiquated doesn’t necessarily mean that we know how it’s done!

There are plenty of displays that would keep anybody occupied and engrossed, as they wander through the Museum of Science. Over the years, many displays have come and gone, like “Gunther von Hagens’ Body Worlds 2 :Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies.” Another display that will awe you is the MIT Daedalus human powered aircraft, which will greet your eyes in the lobby.

You will have a wonderful time in Boston, no matter what you do and where you go. If you stay at a luxury hotel, such as the Langham hotel Boston, you’ll have an even greater time. Just remember to check out the best Boston hotels before you arrive in the city, especially if it’s during peak season.

Careers in Forensic Science

Albert Werfert asked:

Forensic science is one of the most challenging and stimulating careers that someone can choose for a litany of reasons. This is because, unlike other science careers, forensic science deals with the law and most particularly criminal law. What a forensic scientist actually does, is to use science to come to conclusions and solve puzzles with regards to evidence that has been gathered at crime scenes.

Unlike other scientists however; the forensic scientist must be able to defend their conclusions in a court of law. So it is imperative that the conclusions that a forensic scientist arrives at be flawless, because if any of their science is less than credible in one case it can also mean that the conclusions in other previous cases may too be called into question.

Many people are drawn to a career in forensic science because it is a science career that allows them to help people who have been victimized find justice. Problem solving and real life puzzles are still more reasons why people are so drawn to forensic science as a career choice.

Forensic science is continually advancing and new methods of finding answers to the puzzles that are left at crime scenes are continually being developed and tested. This means that a career in forensic science can involve making new discoveries that can be used to solve crimes in the future.

Job security is still one more factor that can’t be ignored and with so many peoples lives being disrupted by a job loss, forensic science is a career that you can count on to stay with you your entire life.

Forensic science is not only intellectually stimulating but it is also financially rewarding as well and with the need for forensic scientists growing world wide it also offers an incredible opportunity for travel.

Science and Technology

Nirmala asked:

Science is a way of figuring out things about the world we’re in. Its big advantage is that it has a way of detecting and fixing errors, so you’re more likely to arrive at something close to the truth.

The way science works is like this:

– You come up with a hypothesis (idea) of how something works.

– You then devise an experiment to test the hypothesis. If the experiment turns out one way, then the evidence supports the hypothesis. if it turns out another way, then it shows that the hypothesis is no good.

– You do the experiment and see if the hypothesis was any good.

Each time you do this, you learn something about how the world works (or doesn’t work). With the new knowledge, you get a better idea of the “truth”, and can form & test new hypotheses to build better and better models of reality. Once a hypothesis has been rigorously tested in lots of different ways, so people become pretty sure that it must be accurate, it’s called a “theory” (e.g. ‘theory of gravity’).

One key to science is falsifiability: You have to be able to design experiments that disprove the hypothesis if they turn out a certain way. That’s why religious views don’t qualify: There’s no known experiment that, if it turned out a certain way, would prove that god doesn’t exist. Therefore, it’s impossible to prove scientifically whether god exists or not.

After some time, I was reminded of a little poem:

A centipede was happy quite, until a toad in fun

Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”

This raised his doubts to such a pitch

The alternative to science is to come up with ideas of how the world works, and then accept them on faith, without testing them. The problem with this approach is that you don’t have any mechanism for detecting and correcting errors.

Individual scientists can be just as biased as anyone else, but properly designed experiments can still detect and fix their mistakes. When priests disagree on how to interpret scripture, there’s no comparable mechanism.

Anyway, that’s the advantage of science: It has a self-correcting mechanism that detects and fixes errors, so you’re likely to get closer to the truth, even if individual scientists are biased.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Jet Engines So wh­y does the M-1 tank use a 1,500 horsepower gas turbine engine instead of a diesel engine? It turns out that there are two big advantages of the turbine over the diesel:

Gas turbine engines have a great power-to-weight ratio compared to reciprocating engines. That is, the amount of power you get out of the engine compared to the weight of the engine itself is very good. Gas turbine engines are smaller than their reciprocating counterparts of the same power.

­The main disadvantage of gas turbines is that, compared to a reciprocating engine of the same size, they are expensive. Because they spin at such high speeds and because of the high operating temperatures, designing and manufacturing gas turbines is a tough problem from both the engineering and materials standpoint. Gas turbines also tend to use more fuel when they are idling, and they prefer a constant rather than a fluctuating load. That makes gas turbines great for things like transcontinental jet aircraft and power plants, but explains why you don’t have one under the hood of your car.

Department of Food Science The Department of Food Science is housed in Stocking Hall

Welcome to the Cornell Department of Food Science web site.The faculty, staff, and students in our Department are members of a large interdisciplinary team of scientists at Cornell who are working together to improve the wholesomeness and availability of food for the world’s population. This team includes people affiliated with several departments from across the University that have joined together as members of the Cornell  Institute of Food Science (CIFS). Students at Cornell enjoy the combined advantages offered by the applied programs of a major land grant university and the intellectual rigor and stimulation that characterize a prestigious Ivy League institution, all on the same beautiful campus.

Some Low Cost Science Experiments for Kids

Jordan Matthews asked:

Remember those science experiments you had to do in school? Remember how we put it off until the night before it was due? Asking your parents for help at the last minute was hard. You may be asked to help your child out the next time they have to do a science experiment. Starting it can be tough so here are some ideas worth considering.

If you have trouble getting it started here are some ideas that may help. One of these ideas may be helpful if you need more of a display: Check out some seashells and see what animals live in them, you can either draw your information or if you have some, glue them to the board. If you have the Internet available to you try to get some pictures of different cloud types and describe them. For a different approach take some cotton and make your own clouds, make them like the different types of clouds and then label them. Food ripens at different stages you can show this on your project. In a warm area in your home take a banana, or other fruit leave it there, another one can be left out at normal temperature and another kept in a cooler environment. Have a notepad so that you can check them and write down your findings. Different ice shapes may melt at different times; see if there is a pattern. Pour equal amounts of water into the containers and then put them in the freezer. Take the containers out of the freezer, allow them to melt and record how long each one took to melt. Making a tornado is one idea for your science project. Fill a jar about ? way with water; Get some food coloring and around 1 teaspoon of dish detergent and put them in the jar. Once you have put the lid on the jar shake it really well. Watch how the liquid that is in the jar will form a vortex that acts just like a real tornado. Take some monopoly houses and put them in the jar before shaking it up for a little extra touch.

Here is one really great inexpensive project that did not turn out as expected, but still won 2nd place. The question was would plants grow better in plain water or sugar water. The child predicted the sugar water would make the plants grow better. Take sunflower seeds and plant several in two identical pots (can be cups or whatever else you may have), water one with plain tap water and the other with the sugar water. Take detailed notes on when, or if; they sprouted. If you can take pictures during the experiment that is great, but if not, just be as detailed as you can. On this particular project the plant with the sugar water did sprout, but it appeared to rot more each day while the other plant did very well. The child finished all the notes, etc. and the next evening during the science fair she had to explain to the judges that their hypothesis was incorrect and why. She used the example of how sugar and sweets can rot your teeth. Imagine her surprise at winning 2nd place on her failed experiment! The judges told her that is what science is all about, finding what works or doesn?t work. And, they said they were pretty impressed that the child had gone ahead and put on a great display, in spite of being worried about the experiment failing.