Category: Arts

The Meaning of Art

Cedar Lee asked: When I refer to “art” here, I am referring specifically to visual art, and more specifically to painting because that’s what I do. But I’m sure it applies to other forms...

Top Reasons Why you Should Shop Online for Art

Edwin Mah asked: So you’re finally ready to buy some art to decorate the walls of your new home. You have some vague idea of the kind of art that would fit in with...

Mirek Klabal is a Creative Art Dealer in New York

Nelson Braithwaite asked: Art is the reflection of your ideas, thoughts and feelings. In fact, it is the best way to paint your emotions on the canvas. You can express more with pictures than...

Take the Help of an Art Lawyer:

damey asked: As Magdalena Abakanowicz had rightly cited “Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind” through decades...

Art Investment- Good or Bad!

Jeff A Hardy asked: You are an admirer of fine arts. Do you collect handicraft, paintings or sculptures or any other artworks just to get an undefined satisfaction or as an investment too? Well,...

Pop Art Posters- a Craze Among Abstract Art Lovers

Patrick Arden asked: Pop art is a visual art concept that initially started from countries like USA, Britain, Spain, and Japan etc. The movement started in early sixties and became very popular among masses....

Art Posters Meet the Expectations of Art Lovers

Patrick Arden asked: It is really very difficult to define art work because everyone has a different kind of a definition for art. It is just not possible to give a thin line definition...

An Education In The Arts

John Morris asked: For some people art is just something you put on your refrigerator doors. It is something you have to do for schoolwork, or to while your time away. In truth, there...