Purchase Original Art Pieces With the Assistance of Art Lawyer New York

damey asked:

A beautiful piece of art represents the creativity of an artist’s mind. It displays various facets of life along with innumerable expressions. Collecting art pieces is one of the most popular hobbies among art lovers and also leaves most people mesmerized by its beauty. The timeless beauty of an amazing painting is undeniable.

However, just as any other field, forgery and fraudulence has also crept into the art designs as well. Many people steal painting and other exquisite pieces of art so as to sell them at huge profits. Also, paintings made by renowned painters are cheated for their designs and sold off by their name at higher prices.

Such deceitfulness has made the interference of art lawyers indispensable when the original pieces of art are to be bought and sold. A good and experienced art lawyer New York is a perfect person to represent all art related cases in the court of law. Though it isn’t necessary for people to contact these lawyers only in the case fraudulence of an art related case, the presence of an art lawyer is also essential even at the time of the usual sale of purchase of art pieces.

You must have heard people say that collection of art pieces is a costly hobby and cannot be afforded by all. This especially stands true when you wish to purchase the creation of any famous artist. So, in order to make sure that you are not deceived by the counterfeit art works while paying the same high price, you must look for certification and authentication of the art agencies from where you wish to purchase the art piece.

An art lawyer New York can do a good speculation of the art agency and help you in this matter as these lawyers are very much aware of the many things that help them to distinguish between a genuine art agency and an agency that sells fraudulent art pieces. The speculation is made in a very legal and practical manner. So, in case you are planning to purchase some exclusive art pieces for your home, office, hotel or friends, be sure that you take along art lawyer New York to save your time and money. This also saves you from any inconvenience in future that may come up due to the purchase of a duplicate art piece unknowingly.

Art pieces are admired universally in a similar fashion. They are considered to be a lavish form of decoration and endow an entirely new and exclusive look to the room. Unique usage of colors adds onto the ultimate ambience of the room and affects a great deal to enliven the spirits of people who see it. So, considering their demand in the market, it isn’t unusual to find their counterfeits. Hence, assistance of art lawyer New York professionals is must to guide you through the right procedure of sale and purchase of art pieces. So, what are you waiting for? Adorn your home with an exclusive art piece today!

Mirek Klabal is a Renowned Art Dealer

Robert Kenny asked:

Art has different meaning for different people. So what appears to be meaningless to someone can mean the work of an entire lifetime for someone else. Art dealer, Mirek Klabal is one individual who is especially dedicated to anything that is associated with the art world. For Mirek Klabal and his wife Maryann Klabal who belong to Connecticut, art has an entirely different meaning for them. For both Mirek Klabal also well known as Miroslav Klabal in the art world, art is the very essence of life and great artist have different ways of interpreting all the events related to life. According to him, every artist deserves appreciation and recognition for what he/she does to express his views to the world.

There are many people who want to purchase art pieces. Buying a piece of art is not a very big deal, but buying a genuine piece of art from a real art dealer can be a tough job for you to do. In the art world you can find several art dealers, who operate to help people buy and sell art pieces. Finding out a genuine art dealer among them is what you have to do. I m sure you would not like to buy a piece of art, spending a huge sum of money only to be told later that it was a fake. So, the best way to avoid such a situation is to make sure that you deal with a genuine art dealer and not a fraud art dealer who sells fake pieces of art.

Since his childhood days, Mirek Klabal has been hugely attracted towards art and artists. He used to spend a huge amount of time in the art galleries at his hometown, looking at the wonderful work done by renowned artists. And if he was not visiting any of the galleries, he was always engrossed in books that deal with art, artist and the art world in general. In today’s art world, Mirek Klabal is one of the most renowned and well known art dealers, who take personal attention in all the art pieces that are bought and sold through him. Mirek Klabal strongly believes that great pieces of art should not be stored away from the public. Rather they should be put up at a place where it can be displayed adequately.

So if you want to buy a rare piece of art, or are a budding young artist and display your work, Mirek Klabal can help you. MK Fine Arts is an art gallery located at New York owned by Maryann Klabal and Mirek Klabal. This is the hub of activity of all artists as one can find here a unique collection of rare art masterpieces made by world renowned artists. That is not all, in this gallery you can also find art pieces that are made by many new artists. Well, they are new to this field and they need all the publicity which they can manage. Mirek Klabal believes that each piece of art on the canvas looks unique, and we must all recognize this unique work and talent. Mirek Klabal has a wonderful collection of art masterpieces.

What is Good Art? Interior Design Professionals Weigh in

DiscoveredArtists.com Media Relations asked:

The first rule for buying art is to love it.  The second rule is to be able to pay for it without taking out a bank loan.  And, rule #3?  Feel good about what you paid for it.

So, how do you know that a piece of art is worth the asking price?  If you love it, and can afford it, should you buy it?

We asked over one-hundred interior design professionals for some help.  We asked them to review pieces of art and tell us what they think about the quality of the work and the asking price.  Each designer chose five pieces of art to review from over 4000 original and limited edition artworks created by independent, fine artists whose work is available at www.DiscoveredArtists.com.

Designers were asked to comment on how they might use the art in an interior room design, and were asked to only review artworks that they felt were worth the asking price.  In other words, would you recommend that your client buy this piece of art at that price. Here’s what they said:

Terry Symington is principal designer and owner of T. Symington & Co. Interiors in Brenham, Houston, and Austin Texas.  She is a big fan of using art in her interior designs and suggests that “For rooms lacking a proper focal point, an oversized painting makes a great statement!”

Ms. Symington reviewed Fleurs Rondes #19, a 12″ x 18″ contemporary collage by Canadian born artist Lisa Carney.  The artwork is a mixed media original on panel priced at $115.  Lisa Carney is a formally trained, emerging, full time artist who is represented by galleries.  She creates abstract, modern, and fine art using multi-media methods and materials.  Her work is especially suited for decorative interior design.

Symington’s review of Fleurs Rondes 19: “I would love to see a grouping of several of Ms.Carney’s collages in an interior to make a really big statement.  Her combinations of materials, textures and colors are very pleasing … the the pricing makes it very affordable!”

Elaine Buderer, principal designer for Restoration Interior Design, LLC in Columbia, Maryland writes, “Good art brings some life into a space,” and adds that she approaches design by, “Using color, texture, furniture, art and the existing elements of a home.”

Ms Buderer reviewed Drayton Hall #20 a 21″ x 25″ limited edition by fine art photographer John Michiels.  The artwork is an edition of 40 that is signed and numbered by the artist, matted and framed with glass, and sells for $525.

John Michiels’ primary style is fine art, his signature style is southern gothic.  He is a mature, juried artist who is represented by galleries.  Michiels personally completes every step of the printmaking process in his studio in his Charleston South Carolina studio currently offering prints in editions of 45 or less.

Interior Designer Elaine Buderer’s review of Drayton Hall #20:  “This is a spiritual piece.  It hints of serenity (provided by the classic balance) with a vision of hope beyond.  It would be a soothing vista in a quiet room.”

Nicky Quartermaine Scott is owner and principal designer for Quartermaine Interiors in Plainfield, Illinois.  Her advice to art buyers in general is “If you’re stuck choosing a color scheme for your home, look to art for your inspiration. Select a piece that you truly love, and start from there. Art will reveal some wonderful colors that you can use as a foundation for your project.”

Ms. Scott reviewed Italian artist Mauro Celotti’s large, landscape titled Follow the Clouds.  It is a 50″ x 40″ original acrylic on gallery wrap canvas priced at $3600. Celotti is a mature, professional artist, formally trained and juried, who paints abstract, modern, surreal and figurative subjects.

Scott’s review of Follow the Clouds: “This piece is reminiscent of Van Gogh, but with a twist.  I love the color combination of orange, grey and white.  It has a masculine quality to it, with diagonal line and strong movement, but the soft, undulating earth reflects back nicely to Mother Nature herself.”

So, going back to the rules for buying art, if you need a second opinion you certainly should get one.  But, it seems that the driving force behind each of these professional reviews is how much they liked the artwork and how they might use it in a room.  So, if you love it, and can afford it, it deserves a place on your wall.

To read more about any piece of artwork featured in this story go to www.DiscoveredArtists.com and type the name of the art or the artists name in Keyword Search.  To read more designer comments or to contact a featured interior designer click on Search Interior Designers on the DiscoveredArtists.com home page.

About DiscoveredArtists.com

DiscoveredArtists.com is a marketplace for buying and selling original and limited edition artworks.  Independent artists sell directly to the general public.  Prices are set by the artists and artwork is shipped from the artist’s studio.   All major credit cards are accepted.  Artwork may be purchased online and is backed by a satisfaction guarantee of a full refund plus return shipping expense.

Mirek Fine Art is your Best Source to Genuine Art Pieces

Arnold Ross asked:

Are you looking for a unique and one of a kind collection of fine art? Collecting art is a passion and fascination for many people. So it becomes all the more important for them to find out and buy the best fine art. When it comes to purchasing genuine fine art, Mirek Klabal is the master source for you. Mirek fine art collection is one you will surely envy when you see the awesome collection. Mirek Klabal is a wonderful person who works extensively towards creating, reproducing and circulating it in the world of fine arts.

You may be wondering why someone who has an incredible collection of art would sell his collection to anyone else. Well this is exactly why Mirek fine art is your ultimate source for purchasing the finest pieces of fine art. He is one art dealer who believes that a beautiful thing like a piece of fine art must be circulated among art lovers and not be hoarded with a single individual. Beautiful things must be seen by everyone and must appreciate all good works of art.

Well you do not have to go by what you hear. You can go to his art gallery at New York and check out for yourself the unique and incredible collection of fine art that he has there. Genuine art lovers are very particular about the piece of art that they purchase. And they have every reason to be, because owning a piece of art is a matter of great pride and honor.

The art world is populated with frauds, so it is all the more necessary to be cautious before you buy any piece of fine art made by any renowned artist. So if you are thinking of purchasing fine art from any art dealer other then Mirek Klabal, make sure that you check out the credentials of that art dealer. Beware of a large number of frauds that are operating in the art world. Surely you would not want to be duped by a fraud art dealer.

Mirek Klabal takes a personal interest in all the art purchase and dealings that he makes with customers. He likes to find out more about the person to whom he is selling the unique piece of fine art. So if you have checked out his various art galleries and want to purchase fine art from him, you will not have to worry about anything. You can go ahead and purchase the art without perturbing about anything.

It is surely very difficult to find someone in the art world who is so genuine and concerned about his art collection. This is the only reason why he is immensely popular as an art dealer in the art world. He is the best dealer from whom you can buy genuine art and real masterpieces.

Modern Art Vs. Contemporary Art

Suzanne asked:

The success of a piece of art depends on how deftly it connects with the audience. If an artwork successfully communicates its message, it is considered to be a masterpiece. Some of the most artistic works of art began flowering in the 19th century till 1970. The flowering of modern art thus began in this era consequently leading the artists to move away from the traditional practices and emphasize more on portrayal of emotion on canvas. Post 1970, modern art preferred being called contemporary art. This includes any art that has been created after 1970 till the present age.

Modern art is not synonymous to contemporary art. The former encompasses only those works that have been created in the first half of the 20th century. Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism- they all form a part of modern art. Contemporary art, on the other hand, signifies those works done at the present time or in the very recent past. The best thing about today’s art is that it is bound by no rigid tradition and has the liberty to experiment with various styles.

Ever since the two world wars took place, there has been a surge of art movements- Abstract Expressionism,   Pop Art, Post-modernism, Minimalism, and Feminist Art. The number of art movements has grown in numbers in recent times. It’s now common to come across avant-garde movements surfacing with new names every year. The one movement that created quite an uproar in recent times was that of Abstract Expressionism. The followers of this movement believed that art was created just to convey their own feelings and had no relation with the external world.

However, there is a section of people who does not consider modern art as art in the true sense of the term. Many people consider landscape and nature portrayals as the true art form. When modern and contemporary artists create something that challenges their imagination, they question the idea of their being an art.

As a matter of fact, abstract art needs proper understanding and intellect to decode its hidden meaning. Understanding the concept of the artist and appreciating the work on that basis lays the foundation for a successful modern art representation.

Mk Fine Arts is a Home of Art Masterpieces

Arnold Ross asked:

Mirek Klabal is a renowned name in the field of art. In fact, if you are an intense art lover then this name will not be new for you. Art finds a new and progressive direction with MK fine arts. Mk fine arts are one of the many art galleries of Mirek Klabal and Maryann Klabal. Excessively beautiful art masterpieces of the famous painters at this gallery reflect your life, way of understanding things, ideas, thinking and manner of looking at a particular point. The artists always replicate the lifestyle or some aspect of perceiving things.

MK fine arts have a huge collection of art masterpieces of Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, Gustav and Joan Miro. Art has always been on the priority of Mirek Klabal and his wife. They both have given their life towards uplifting this field. In fact, Mirek Klabal is a legend in the world of art. Mirek and Maryann Klabal of MK fine arts have always given a special importance to charity work. Since so many years, they have been raising money for National Alliance of Autism Research. Art with MK fine arts have developed and flourished so much that buyers keep on gathering towards their art galleries to buy genuine masterpieces. It is because of the love of art of Mirek Klabal that his collected works depict a refined taste.

Art is the perfect source of happiness for the art lovers. An art piece has to be appealing so that it sooths the eyes of everyone and this is present in the collection which is being displayed at MK fine arts. In the matter of selecting the art pieces, Mirek Klabal is quite vigilant. It is not only in the case of making others work a part of MK fine arts, same carefulness is also present in the matter of selling too. Mirek Klabal keeps a full track of the person to whom he sells a part of his collection from Mk fine arts. He meets every buyer personally and takes complete care that the paintings are kept in proper condition.

Everybody is aware of the fact that MK fine arts are well known and reputed for great work. So, you can rely on them only for buying perfect art pieces. Money is the most valuable thing and it is obvious that you would not like to waste it on a fake art masterpiece. What happens if you fall a prey to a fraud fine art dealer? In this case, you will not only loose money but also get a forged art piece. It is always better to go for MK fine arts, as every art lover will get genuine art pieces which will also be a valuable deal.

At Mk fine arts, it is guaranteed that you will get quality and original work. Art brings a sense of likeness in ones life and if it is genuine then it will bring the flow of true emotions in your life. Art signifies splendor that is entrenched with creativity and astuteness. Mk fine art is the most reliable to go for genuine art masterpieces. So, if you are planning at all to buy an art masterpiece, then Mk fine arts is the best choice for you.

Art Auctions: Art Deco

John Ugoshowa asked:

In the field of modern art, art deco plays a large and impressively lavish role. The strong colors and sweeping curves lend art deco the trademark boldness that expressed much of the progress and modern advances of the twentieth century. Art auctions around the world still move many art deco pieces of various kinds. If you’re interested in collecting art deco, there are many art auctions both online and off that deal primarily in art deco.

In the twentieth century the decorative arts converged in what is known as the art deco movement, which grew to influence architecture, fashion, the visual arts as well as design. The term ‘art deco’ was derived from a World’s Fair held in Paris, France, called the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes in the year 1925.

Though the movement and term comes from the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, the term was not widely used until the late 1960s. Especially pre- World War I Europe influenced the art deco movement, though many cultures influenced and were influenced by this art movement. Much of the world was experiencing similar shifts in modern technological advances.

For the most part, the art deco movement was brought about and inspired by the rapid advances of technological and social facets of the early twentieth century. As culture responded to these increasingly changing times, the art deco movement was an outgrowth of these modern phenomena.

Art deco is considered generally to be an eclectic type of decorative modernism that was influenced by a variety of artists and particular art forms. Art deco includes furniture, metalwork, clocks, glasswork and screens as well as paintings and other fine art types of pieces.

The art deco style is known for its lavishness and epicurean flairs that are attributed to the austerity of culture brought about by World War I. Strong patterns and bold colors and shapes were used, as were many particular motifs used universally.

For example, the sunburst motif was used in everything from the Radio City Music Hall auditorium, images of ladies’ shoes, the spire of the Chrysler Building and several other pieces of art, architecture and design. Other ubiquitous motifs found in art deco were stepped forms, the zigzag, chevron patterns and sweeping curves.

In the West, art deco lost its steam around the Second World War, but continued to be used all the way into the 1960s in colonial countries such as India, where it served as a gateway to Modernism. Then in the 1980s art deco made a comeback in graphic design. Art deco’s association with 1930s film noir led to its use in both fashion and jewelry ads.

Today art deco is revered by many and dismissed as old news and overly gaudy by others. Though it undoubtedly played a major role in art history, as with most art, individual taste frames the individual’s interpretation and like or dislike of art deco styles.

Art deco is one of the most well known art movements. This is mostly due to its wide base of influences and influenced art forms and cultures. Since much of the world was experiencing many of the same advances in technology and mass production, many of the same ideas and symbols were relevant in various parts of the world.

Miroslav Klabal is an Art Dealer With a Difference

Robert Kenny asked:

Giving a vent to one’s feelings and expressions is not an easy task. Art is one form that can be made use of in different aspects to express various events and happenings. Different people have different likings and mostly art lovers prefer that the wonderful pieces of art should adorn their living and sitting rooms. The art world is populated with large number of artists who are striving to get the recognition that are due to their wonderful work, but we all know that recognition in any field does not come easy. Miroslav Klabal, better known in the world of art as Mirek Klabal, is an art dealer who helps out anyone who is looking to buy or sell genuine art pieces.

Miroslav Klabal and his wife Maryann Klabal own MK Fine Arts, an amazing art gallery in New York. The art gallery is a source for all art lovers to buy, sell and see art pieces made by world renowned artists. MK Fine Art is renowned and well known among all the art lovers as this is the hub of many activities in the art world. MK Fine Arts is the not the only organization that Miroslav Klabal and Maryann Klabal are associated with, they are associated with several charities as well. They are particularly concerned about children who are underprivileged and do not have access to even the basic requirements. This is the reason why they are more inclined towards donations that support disadvantaged children and their cause.

Imagine how you would feel if you buy a wonderful piece of art spending lots of money and time, and then find out that that this piece is fake. This can be really heart breaking for any person. So if you are one who is looking to buy art pieces, take provisions to ensure that you do not land up with a fake art piece. Mirek Klabal can be your source for acquiring and buying genuine art pieces. The one thing that you can be assured of while buying art pieces from Mirek Klabal is that you will never have to doubt about the authenticity of the art piece. It is bound to be original as this is the only kind of art piece that he deals with.

Different people see, conceive and receive art in different ways based on their understanding of events and situations. So the expression of one artist may not appeal to you, but this does not mean that the work of none of the artists will appeal to you. You can go to MK Fine Arts and go through the different collection of art masterpieces which he has and you are bound to find out one that appeals to your senses and your understanding of art. The baseline is that art has expanded to such a huge area that one will surely find out stuff which they like in some form of art or the other. Miroslav Klabal and Maryann Klabal always make sure that people who are searching for art masterpieces actually find out what they are looking for.

California Art Attorney, Maritime Shipwreck Lawyer And International Antiquities Attorney Analyzes Ownership Of Shipwrecks, Stolen Art And Antiquities

R. Sebastian Gibson asked:

You may have thought that when it comes to lost or stolen art, sunken treasure discovered on shipwrecks and buried treasure and antiquities that all you have to do is find it, or buy it in good faith and you can keep it, but international, maritime and competing state laws have something to say about it. The right California Art, Maritime Shipwreck Treasure and Antiquities Lawyer, however, can sort out the competing legal issues.

If you have a legal issue involving art, antiquities or have a claim to a maritime shipwreck, sunken or buried treasure under California, martitme, or international law, visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com and call us at any of the numbers easily found on our website.

Maritime Shipwreck Treasure

Recently, a number of prized shipwrecks have been found, one as recently as February 2009 when a U.S. salvage company, Odyssey Marine Exploration found a prized British warship believed to be the HMS Victory, lost in 1744, which just may hold four tons of gold. The HMS Victory discovery may solve one of the most intriguing naval mysteries in history. Why did this ship with one of the most famous admirals of his time, disappear with a crew of 1,100 men with one of the largest shipments of gold and silver, including four tons of gold coins, and why has it eluded treasure hunters for so long?

Believed sunk near the Channel Islands by a fierce storm that separated the Victory from other ships that broke through a French blockade at Lisbon and were returning home, the Victory (a later version which would be commanded by Admiral Nelson) had the sons of some of Britain’s most influential families on board when it sunk with perhaps the largest collection of bronze cannon as well.

In a less important find of another English shipwreck, Odyssey negotiated a deal whereby it received 80 percent of the first $50 million salvaged, and then a sliding scale up to $500 million, after which the profits were split 50-50. Since that time, however, the British government adopted a set of UNESCO guidelines that will complicate any hope of a similar arrangement.

Two years earlier, the same company, Odyssey, located the mystery ship, the Black Swan” believed to be a Spanish galleon, the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes y las Animas, that sank off the coast of Portugal, with seventeen tons of gold and silver coins.

The Spanish government has sued Odyssey in a Florida federal court on the basis that it never abandoned the shipwreck. One could say, they simply lost it for a few hundred years. The British government is believed to be negotiating with Odyssey about a collaboration to salvage the warship.

Maritime Shipwreck Treasure Law

What’s important in sunken treasure cases is where the treasure is found, whether the ship was owned by a government or a private entity, and whether there has been any dishonest conduct by the treasure hunters.

Most countries and their maritime lawyers claim anything to be within 12 nautical miles from their coast as their territorial waters. Additionally, if the ship was owned by the state or government, Law of the Sea Conventions come into play, which again allow the state or foreign country to determine what compensation the treasure hunter is entitled to. Finally, if the treasure hunter or salvage company has been guilty of any fraud or dishonest conduct, they can be deprived of any or all of any payment due them. Entering a foreign state’s territorial waters to look for a sunken ship counts as such misconduct.

International Maritime Law and The Law of the Sea

Under international maritime law and the law of the sea, if an owner abandons a vessel, it can be claimed by the finder. When a vessel has not been abandoned, it can still be salvaged by the finder and is usually compensated by the sovereign state claiming ownership. The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages cooperation between sovereign governments and states and private entities.

The rule of “finders, keepers” applies only where the previous owner of a ship is found to have abandoned its property. Under various state laws, treaties and conventions, however, the positions taken by most governments, including the U.S., is that the state only abandons its sovereignty over, and title to, sunken U.S. warships by affirmative act. Mere passage of time or lack of positive assertions of right are insufficient to establish such abandonment. Thus, France’s claim with respect to the Griffin (or Griffon) that it never abandoned its interests in the ship.

Sorting out these competing claims can take awhile. In 2001, the Great Lakes Exploration LLC found a 17th Century ship, the Griffin, in northern Lake Michigan, near Wisconsin. One might think that Michigan or Wisconsin would have good claim to the ship. But just in January 2009, France filed papers with the court hearing the case that claims the ship expedition was undertaken on behalf of the French Crown and was not a private enterprise.

The Richest Shipwreck Ever Found

And then, just when you thought the scale of these discoveries could not be topped, they have been, at least monetarily, with the discovery of a British merchant ship, sunk by a **** submarine, that was transporting just goods from a European port, to the U.S. with repayment to the U.S. Treasury for the Lend-Lease Program that gave support to the Allied war effort. And what was this ship, code named the Blue Baron carrying? Just the world’s richest shipwreck cargo ever. The ship is thought to have been carrying a $3.7 billion cargo of gold, platinum and diamonds.

Believed to have been found about 40 miles off the coast of Guyana by Sub Sea Research, a U.S.-based marine research and recovery firm, the shipwreck will be the richest find ever. It was reportedly carrying at least ten tons of gold bullion, 70 tons of platinum, one and a half tons of industrial diamonds and 16 million carats of gem quality diamonds.

So far, no counter claims have been filed in the federal admiralty court case relating to the find, but it is likely that a number of countries may make claims to possessions on board that originated in those countries, including Russia which, like Britain, shipped large quantities of precious goods to the U.S. in payment for the war effort by the U.S. The question for historians who may have some influence in this case, is whether the Soviet Union paid subsequently for the Lend-Lease war effort after the ship was sunk.

Stolen Art and Antiquities Law

The law with respect to stolen art as opposed to lost shipwrecks is quite different, but no less complicated. Some countries view the movement of stolen works of art as the smuggling out of its country of a “national treasure,” even if it was previously, privately owned. Other countries view the contents of tombs and other relics to be the property of the state and their taking as “theft.” Another view of situations in which a work of art is previously owned by one person and then appears in the collection of another, is viewed as a further variation of theft. In this last variation, most legal systems provide protection to the bona fide purchaser, unless the property is stolen.

Unfortunately, the laundering of stolen works of art is facilitated by the lack of consistency of state laws and international law, statutes of limitations, the bona fide purchaser defense and the burden of proof on the person claiming that the art work was stolen.

Under a common law rule in Anglo-American law, a person cannot give what he or she does not have. Thus, a thief cannot convey good title to a stolen work of art, even where there have been several subsequent purchases by bona fide and unsuspecting persons acting in good faith. However, the vast majority of western countries with civil law systems accord protection to the purchaser in good faith of stolen art. While there are international treaties and conventions which are gaining supporters, for the most part, it has been said that international law on the illegal sale of art works and cultural treasures is not retroactive.

Visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com and call us if you have an issue involving stolen art or any art issue, maritime shipwreck sunken treasure, or with regard to international or cultural antiquity treasures.

The FBI now maintains a National Stolen Art File (NSAF) which is a computerized index of stolen art and cultural property reported to the FBI by law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and the world. The primary goal of the NSAF is to serve as a tool to assist investigators in art and cultural artifact theft cases and to function as an analytical database providing law enforcement officials with information concerning art theft.

It has been reported that the trade in illegal art and antiquities in the U.S. is exceeded only by the trade of guns and drugs. It is believed that most of the stolen art in the world (over 100,000 objects since the 1980s) comes to London or to the U.S. with much of it bought secretly by persons for their private collections, for a fraction of their market value.

If you need legal assistance in connection with any type of art, treasure or antiquity, look to our California art, antiquity, maritime and international law firm for representation in the U.S. and throughout the world.

How to Become an Art Collector

Cedar Lee asked:

Know what you like.

The only way to do this is to look at lots of art. You can look in your phone book or do a Google search for art galleries in your area. Devote a Saturday or two to go gallery-hopping with absolutely no intention to buy. Spend some time browsing on art-related websites. Read some books about art. You don’t need a degree in art history to figure out what kinds of art you are attracted to. Write down the names of any artists you really like.

Join art communities.

This is simpler than it sounds. Get on the mailing lists of local galleries so you get invited to art openings. Subscribe to the mailing lists and blogs of artists that you like. Read and post on art forums online. Talk to artists. When you see art on someone’s wall, express your curiosity. Lots of people out there are into art. Find the people who like what you like! Doing this will help you learn more about any topic that interests you, and art is no exception.

Determine your art budget.

You may have to look at your finances to figure out how much you can afford to spend on art. Try to get a dollar amount. For some people it might be only $100/year, for others it might be $10,000. Don’t be discouraged if your art budget is small—it is possible to find something you love in any price range. (If your budget is small, consider buying a small piece, a print or a reproduction to start your collection.) At this point you’ll start to get excited about the possibilities, but you shouldn’t necessarily buy the first thing you see.

Make a plan.

I read somewhere that all you need to do to become an art collector is to buy one piece of art once a year—perhaps on your birthday or wedding anniversary as a gift to yourself. Start small. You build a collection one piece at a time. Spend some time thinking about what kind of art you’d like to hang in your home, and how the different pieces will go together. Your collection is yours alone and can be anything you want it to be. You can decide to collect a particular theme, style, or genre of art, but you don’t have to.

Buy from serious artists.

It is okay to buy work from a young artist or an artist who doesn’t yet have many credentials. Emerging artists tend to have lower prices, and it is exciting to seek them out. Of course your first consideration should always be that you love the work. But you should also ask yourself, “Is this a serious artist?” Questions to ask might include:

* How many years have they been working?

* Have they received university-level art training?

* Do they show in galleries?

* Have they won any awards?

* Do they have a website?

* Has their name been mentioned in any press?

* Do they have a recognizable style?

* Are they serious about their craft and technically proficient?

* Have they sold a lot of artwork?

An artist certainly does not have to meet all of these criteria, but it should be clear to you that the artist is serious about his or her work. This will not only protect your long-term investment, but it will also give you the pleasure of following the artist’s career over the years and knowing you are a part of it.