Mystery Shopping Advantages

Mike Smith asked:

Show your artistic flair

If you are an unrecognized artistic talent, doing mystery shopping may be more than rewarding for you. Mystery shopping is also drama in a way, because you are not in full control of the shopping environment. Mystery shopping is also pretty much staged, and you need to follow a predetermined scenario in order to fulfill the goals of your assignment. However, you should always be ready to improvise, as it’s not possible to predict all the situations that may occur while you’re on your mystery shopping assignment.

Meet new people in new situations

Mystery shopping jobs allows you to meet new people and be in different situations on every separate mystery shopping assignment. Most often you go to different shopping locations and need to pose as a different type of secret customer. If you are flexible and outgoing person, that aspect of mystery shopping may be right for you, because you will never be bored with mystery shopping.

Get well-earned money for your services

Payment is for most people the primary motivation to do mystery shopping. Money well-earned is always challenging and tempting. Mystery shopping is truly rewarding, and you can enjoy good earnings that will help you afford a couple of more purchases per month or an extra family trip on the weekend. Therefore, getting paid with mystery shopping is a very serious argument in favor of doing mystery shopping in your free time, instead of just wasting a couple of hours lying in front of the TV.

Contribute to better customer service

That’s the altruistic part of the mystery shopping benefits to mystery shoppers. Apart from the tangible benefits – cash, prizes, free items and free services, you contribute to the improvement of the customer service in your area. It’s really important, because you help create a more favorable and friendly customer environment in your shopping area. That will surely affect you, your family, and your neighbors – a good cause to strive for, apart from all the cash and freebies you get from mystery shopping.

Enjoy free entertainment and free services

Mystery shopping is a great activity that brings you lots of entertainment and cash, but you also get lots of free stuff – merchandise, free services, and free trials. For instance, doing mystery shopping in a gas station almost always means filling in your tank for free. A visit to an electric appliance store may get you a free coffee machine or something else. Or you might get a free demo of a new video game, or free DVDs together with another purchase. Your kids will certainly enjoy a whole day at an amusement part for free, while your spouse will be happy to share a free dinner at a cozy restaurant.

Run a reputation and get more companies want you as a mystery shopper

Once you have discovered the many benefits that mystery shopping can get you, you will want to participate more actively as a mystery shopper. Building a reputation of a reliable and accurate mystery shopper is also an asset, and may bring you more invitations to complete higher-paid mystery shopping assignments. Moreover, the more satisfied companies are with your mystery shopping reports, the more chances you have to earn cash and many freebies with mystery shopping.

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