High Speed Internet Service Comes to Rural Areas through Satellite Technology

Matthew Pevensie asked:

With the dawn of the high speed Internet era, computing was revolutionized and the Internet became a place with much more dynamic content and capabilities. While millions benefited from reliable high speed Internet access, millions more were left out of this breakthrough in technology. Providers who made DSL available to suburban and urban users did not invest in the technology enough to make high speed Internet available in rural and remote areas. As a result, rural and remote users were left with having to access the Internet through dial up service. They had no alternative and had to rely on older technology to access an Internet that was changing and adapting to the high speed revolution.

Then something happened which made it possible for the millions who were left out in the high speed revolution to get high speed access. Satellite providers began to emerge offering high speed Internet through satellite technology. This proved to be a major technological breakthrough and many rural and remote users jumped on the bandwagon immediately after having to rely on dial up to access the Internet. With satellite Internet, they had the chance to access the Internet at speeds up to 50 times faster than dial up with a reliable always on signal.

Gone were the days of a dropped connection in the middle of an important download or having to dial an access number that was long distance so you could get Internet service. Satellite Internet came along at the right time to free rural and remote Internet users from the limitations and frustrations of dial up service and provides a high speed alternative.

Satellite Internet is fast becoming as familiar as satellite television has in rural areas. Indeed, rural users have relied on satellite technology for all sorts of communications needs in the past, so it is not a technology that is unfamiliar to them. With high speed satellite Internet, they have the opportunity to have the same technology advantages that people in the cities and the suburbs have. While the equipment might be different, the service is the same – high speed access that is much faster than dial up.

With satellite Internet, people are able to access dynamic web pages and not have to wait endlessly for the page to load. They can enjoy all the advanced graphics and multimedia experiences in real time with reliable connectivity and no interruption in service. Best of all, downloading is a breeze. Users can now download files such as music, videos, pictures and even software updates in a matter or seconds or minutes as opposed to an hour in some cases with dial up. Emailing is a lot faster and so is uploading files to a personal website. Plus, with every satellite Internet subscription comes privacy tools such as anti-virus software and spam protection.

High speed satellite Internet has really given rural and remote users the chance to break free from the limitations of dial up service and experience the Internet the way it is supposed to be experienced.  For a simple monthly fee and some equipment installation, rural and remote users can enjoy the benefits and reliability of a high speed Internet connection through the power of satellite Internet.

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