Linking Strategies for Your Home Based Internet Business

Home Income Team asked:

In order for your website to get a good search engine ranking you need to have people linking to you. There are several ways to do this that I will explain and this will help your home based internet business thrive with hits and sales

1. One of the best ways to raise your ranking by the search engines is by offering content that people need and they will naturally link to your site because of the information you have provided. Most people are looking for information, tips, and tricks that they can use. For example this article, if you did not already know, this article will give you ideas on how to increase your rankings and get more traffic to your home based internet business site.

2. Next big tip is to write articles about your topic of interest. People like new information so do search engines. Include a link to your site in every article you write. Not only is this an inbound link it will help raise your ranking. There are several places to submit articles to on the web. Do a google search and you will find several. Some of the most popular include this site. plus Hello article and Article Dashboard. Make sure you include a link to your site at the bottom of each article you submit. Then for the anchor words, use your keywords that you are trying to get a good ranking for. Example would be: "Profitable Home Based Internet Business".

3. Exchange links with other site owners or sign up at a reputable link exchange company – try and find sites with relevant information to your site, for example "profitable home based internet business". Whatever you do, DO NOT join a link farm. The search engines will penalize you for this.

4. Research your competitors links. Find sites like yours and see what sites link to them . For example if your keyword is "profitable home based internet business" you might want to go to and type in that keyword. When the results come up check out which sites are like yours. You can go to google research and find what links to the url you are interested in.

5. Internal Linking strategy will also help you. Search engines like internal linking. For example if you have a five page website pages, you should have links to each page. In addition, if you have more than one website you should definitely link to them on each page.