For homeowners who aim to maximize comfort and lower temperatures within home interiors, investing in window film products is a good option. Through the years, the popularity of such innovative products has risen robustly. It is not surprising that, currently, there are numerous window films available in the market. Designs have flourished and evolved and shades have been practical and logical.
If you are a homeowner who aims to make your home more comfortable, and beautiful, you should be thinking about buying window films products. However, the immense number of such items may be hindering your purchase as you may realize that indeed, there are just too many brands and specific window films in the market. You surely will need some practical guidelines about how you can choose and then buy the best and most useful window films products there are.
It is always important to make the best choice. The situation is no different if you need to buy window films products in the market. There surely are too many choices, but if you will be guided accordingly, you will never falter to pick the best products your house needs. Here are several recommended actions before you go to the store to buy window films products.
Assess comfort
The main and usual reason why homeowners buy window films products is the incidences of increased temperature and glare inside the house. If you have glass windows, you should know that the materials are effective absorbent of heat and light from outside sources. The general function of window films products is to reduce the entry into the glass windows of heat and glaring daylight.
Without window films, home keepers usually put shades or blinds into glass windows. The problem is that usually, such items are not effective in controlling heat entry. However, light is significantly controlled, most of the time making the interior of the house uncomfortably dark. Window films products are better than those because these items regulate light and heat entry into the inside of the house. Choose films that will not totally shun light, but will reduce if not eliminate unwanted high temperatures.
Choose lighter shades
Heavily shaded or tinted window films products are disadvantageous in that there is a need to turn on lights inside the house or room. Some people like natural daylight better than electric-powered lights. However, heavy tints on window films block light from the outside during daytime.
It is advisable if you will choose to buy spectrally selective window films products. These films help reduce gaining of solar heat while at the same time, transmitting ample amount of visible light from the sun. Standard films do not usually make it possible.
Select long-lasting window films products
In general, films in window films products usually last about five to 15 years on the average. Film manufacturers usually indicate the expected life span of their products. Choose those that last longer than the others. This way, you can further maximize the savings you could generate. It is not practical to change and replace window films often.
As for product warranties, manufacturers typically offer five to 10 years to window films. That means, homeowners can be assured that the window films products could be replaced and fixed for free within the period, provided, proper and prescribed use has been conducted.
Cautions when buying
You need not invest in window films products if the glass on your clear glass window is thicker than 3/8 of an inch and ¼ of an inch for tinted glass. The items are also not advisable for cracked glasses. Frames like solid aluminum, concrete and solid steel will put heat conduction risks if there is a window film attached. Textured and reflective glasses should also be abstained from the use of films.
Be warned that there have been incidences whereon windows cracked due to build up of intense heat. Solar exposure of non-strengthened glass is also risky.